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~fl <br />935 <br />in the amount of $230. 00 in additional grant funds. <br />M <br />Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews reported on a response she had <br />received from the Assistant Postmaster General about improvements at the <br />Sanford Post Office. <br />With the Board's approval, Chairman Dotterer appointed Mr. Tommy <br />Mann to fill a three year term beginning April 1, 1986, on the Capital Health <br />Systems Agency, Inc. Is Board of Directors. <br />With the Board's approval, Chairman Dotterer appointed Mr. Bill Wilson <br />to a term on the -Lee-Harnett Mental Health Board. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, it was <br />adjourned sine die. <br />J CHAIRMAN <br />•CL <br />