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~eoz 11 ~ ~,s: 96 r <br />Q <br />• KaLA T" u n t il COUNTY OF LEE, NORTH CAROLINA <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />HOUSING REHABILITATION' GRANT PROGRIt <br />POLICY <br />May 19, 1986 <br />The County of Lee hereby establishes a Sousing 3ehabilitation <br />Grant. Program to assist qualified homeowners and renters who live <br />within the San-Lee Heights area (see attached map) with rehabili- <br />tation of their homes when This otherwise would be beyond their <br />financial needs. <br />The i:ousing Rehabilitation Grant Program is funded by a Com- <br />munity Development. Block Grant. from the U.S. Department of i.ousing <br />and Communit.v Development Act of 1974 as amended and is contin1ent <br />upon the availability of future funding. The program is aimed at <br />assisting families of loth-to-moderate income and providing theca <br />with decent, safe, and sanitary housing. <br />• There are main eligibility requirements which must be satisfied <br />before a person or family can receive a Housing Rehabilitiation Grant. <br />The recipient must: <br />1. Be an owner-occupant in the target area or <br />2. Be a renter living in the target area. <br />All grants will be awarded without regard to race, creed, color, <br />national origin, religion, sex, age, or political affiliation. <br />ELIBILITY REQUIRE']ENTS <br />,his article sets forth the eligibility requirec:er.ts for t': :e <br />applicant to receive a Housing Rehabilitation Grant. ? rehabili- <br />tation ;rant Tray" be made only under the following conditions: <br />1. The property must fail to conform to the require`~ents <br />of State and County building codes and Rehabilitation <br />Standards (Appendix 1) which have been adopted for the <br />redevelopment area. <br />2 The owner-occupant crust live within an impact section <br />• of the CDBG target area for which rehabilitat:ion funds <br />have been made available (see map). <br />