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Crumpton was looking for guidance on whether to include a COLA for next year, questioning if that <br />was adequate. A comparison to other commissioner's salaries was provided to the Board. Chair <br />Dalrymple asked if HR would provide an objective recommendation and reminded the Board that <br />there may be other costs incurred for commissioners in the upcoming year related to the Granicus <br />agenda management project. No action taken. <br />E. Discussion Reaardina Lee County's Contracts with the City of Sanford <br />Dr. Crumpton reviewed the budget impacts of the city contracts and noted the community <br />development budget. Dr. Crumpton did not include money in this year's budget related to the S3 <br />Housing Connect that was included in last year's budget, as it was intended as a one-time expense. <br />He also mentioned that the city would like the county to participate in a UDO study for residential <br />design issues. Dr. Crumpton noted that when there was a study for oil & gas issues, the county <br />funded that without assistance from the city because it was primarily a county issue and he <br />questioned if a study for residential design issues was more related to city issues — he did indicate <br />this is currently funded in the recommended budget, just raising the question for commissioners to <br />consider. Dr. Crumpton also noted the inspection department contract may be different from the city <br />request due to an issue related to the county share of inspection revenue profits from previous years <br />that should be applied to this year's expense share. No action taken. <br />F. Fundina Reauest from Juvenile Detention <br />Due to changes to the legal age for convictions of minors from 16 to 18 years old, there is an <br />expected increase in expenses for juvenile detention; however, the estimate by the state more than <br />doubled the current expense of $100,000 to an estimated $235,000. The recommended budget left <br />the expense at $100,000 and staff will watch this number as the year progresses because staff felt <br />the estimate was too high. No action taken. <br />G. Anv other budaetary items related to the FY2019-2020 budaet <br />Dr. Crumpton shared the calculation of the revenue neutral rate is 77.68, cents but for the <br />recommended budget he used a rate of 77.5 cents. Commissioners were informed that both Central <br />Carolina Community College and the Lee County Board of Education have been invited to the June 3, <br />2019 budget workshop. No action taken. <br />IV. ADJOURN <br />With no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Reives moved to adjourn <br />the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Del Palazzo, Knecht, Reives, Sharpe, Smith <br />No: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 8:05 <br />p.m. <br />• <br />• <br />�..` y pis <br />,{deputy Clerk to the Board <br />41 <br />Amy Dlrymple, Chair <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY <br />Presented for registration on this tedaY <br />Of •a toe 20, jat�:.`+.,.QAM <br />recorded in Book 30 Page 500 <br />Pamela G.ikiltkiler►U <br />