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Chief in Lemon Springs retired at the end of April. There was then some discussion as to whether or <br />not volunteer firefighters incur out of pocket expenses in their duties. No action taken. <br />B. Discussions from the Proposed Budaet of General Services <br />General Services Director, Russell Spivey, provided an overview of the requested 2019-2020 <br />General Services Budget. He provided a list outlining the critical needs and priorities of the <br />department that included several high cost facility maintenance and repair items, some of which <br />included a new HVAC unit for the Daymark building, a new roof for probation, and roof and repairs for <br />the Government Center. Commissioner Reives noted the extensive list was a result of the build-up of <br />deferred maintenance over the years and suggested that the Board may need to consider funding <br />critical projects in the near future to tackle some facility concerns. The county manager suggested <br />that due to the number and costs associated with the list of needs, the county many want to look at <br />these issues separate from the annual budget process and consider funding as a special capital <br />project. No action taken. <br />C. Non Profit Fundina Requests Discussion <br />Chair Dalrymple offered each non-profit organization that was present at the workshop the <br />opportunity to address the Board in support of their request. Below is a list of those who spoke to the <br />Board: <br />- Johnston, Lee, Harnett: representative present but declined to speak <br />Lee County Industries: Director, Mike Gilmore provided overview of organization's mission <br />and recent activities; thanked the county for their past support <br />Another Choice: Ed Cox spoke about the group's work to help find homes for individuals <br />before they age out of the care system <br />- Haven: Executive Director, Sherry Overton Shudra, provided an overview of Haven's <br />services; discussed the need to show growing support from the county to show state and <br />federal grantors that there is continued support locally. <br />- Boys and Girls Club: no representative present due to schedule conflict <br />- Salvation Army: no representative present due to schedule conflict <br />- Family Promise: Director, Tamara Brogan discussed how Family Promise focuses on <br />serving the "family unit." Program mostly serves families living paycheck to paycheck and <br />offers classes related to parenting and money management. <br />- Veterans Center: no representative present <br />- Lee County Arts Council: Joanne Paxton spoke about recent achievements of the Council <br />and its overall mission <br />- Temple Theater: Peggy Taphorn, Director and Tabitha Whitlow, Business Manager, <br />provided an overview of the theater's recent successes and positive impact on the local <br />economy; shared that 41,000 visitors from 63 counties visited the theater last year and they <br />suspect that number will be surpassed in 2019. <br />- Railroad House: Joan Womble presented an overview, highlighting that the Railroad <br />House is the only museum in Lee County. The request this year is driven by necessary <br />roof repairs and exterior painting. <br />No action taken. <br />At 7:33 p.m. the Chair called for a 10 -minute break <br />At 7:43 p.m. discussions resumed <br />D. Elected Official Compensation <br />Dr. Crumpton provided a history of the commissioners' compensation indicating that there <br />were no compensation changes during the period of 2008 through the 2015 due to the recession. Dr. <br />2 <br />