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5-20-19 Regular Meeting Minutes
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5-20-19 Regular Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/11/2019 4:44:48 PM
Creation date
6/11/2019 4:33:52 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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information for an announcement that may occur at the end of August, and is still in discussions <br />with many other projects. <br />No action taken. <br />F. Consideration of adoption of Resolution Suaportina NC Carolina CORE <br />Dr. Crumpton addressed this with the Board. NC Carolina CORE is a corridor between <br />Winston Salem and Fayetteville that has four megasites that offer industrial sites and mixed-use <br />developments. SAGA has requested that the Board adopt a resolution supporting the Carolina <br />CORE. Commissioner Reives made a motion to approve the resolution, a copy of which is <br />attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Del Palazzo, Knecht, Reives, Sharpe, Smith <br />No: None <br />Absent: Dodson <br />The Chair ruled the motion had carried unanimously <br />G. Annual consideration of the contract with SAGA for economic development services for <br />FY2019-2020 <br />In October of 2014, Lee County entered into a contract for economic development services <br />with the Sanford Lee County Partnership for Prosperity, now doing business as SAGA. Since <br />2014, there have been some modifications and changes to the agreement. The Board of <br />Commissioners has requested to review the agreement each year. The board of directors has <br />been updated as provided by SAGA. The County will hold a public hearing on the expenditures <br />for SAGA on June 3, 2019 at the same time it holds a public hearing on the budget. <br />Commissioner Knecht asked to add two provisions to the contract, one being that SAGA will <br />provide monthly financials to the Board and meeting notes to the Board. <br />No action taken. <br />H. FY2019-2020 Recommended Budaet Presentation <br />County Manager introduced his recommended budget for FY2019-2020. He stated his <br />budget goals, as provided by the Commissioners, included lowering the property tax rate and <br />maintaining commitments to education, law enforcement, and technology. The total requested <br />budget was $84,011,912 and in order to fund all requests it would have resulted in a 12.16 <br />property tax rate increase. Dr. Crumpton then went through the definition and the calculation of <br />the revenue neutral rate. The revenue neutral tax rate is 77.68 and the Manager's proposed tax <br />rate is 77.50. The Manager's total recommended budget is $77,082,778, constituting an <br />increase of $1,918,287 or 2.55 percent from 2018-2019 original budget. Changes of interest <br />included, $1,050,000 current expenses going to the Lee County School Systems. Public safety <br />is going up $471,345, with much of that going to COLAs for the employees and three additional <br />SROs. Significant items funded in the budget include: 2% COLA, funding of the current <br />expenses for the new elementary school, funding of 3 SROs (one for the high school, one for <br />the new elementary, and one community resource officer), funding for economic development <br />initiatives, and funding of K-14 CCCC Initiative. The upcoming budget process includes a <br />budget workshop scheduled June 3 at 4:00 p.m., the public hearing on June 3 at 6:00 p.m. After <br />the public hearing, the Commissioners can adopt the budget at any time, before June 30 at 5:00 <br />p.m. Monday, June 17 is the last scheduled Commissioners meeting for FY2018-2019. <br />: 517 <br />
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