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5-20-19 Regular Meeting Minutes
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5-20-19 Regular Meeting Minutes
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6/11/2019 4:44:48 PM
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6/11/2019 4:33:52 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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Aye: Dalrymple, Del Palazzo, Knecht, Reives, Sharpe, Smith <br />No: None <br />Absent: Dodson <br />The Chair ruled the motion had carried unanimously. <br />C. Trianale J COG Housina Study Presentation <br />Karen Kennedy, with the City of Sanford and the S3 Housing Connect committee, <br />introduced Erika Brown with Triangle J COG who worked on a housing study for the City of <br />Sanford/County of Lee. Ms. Brown presented a PowerPoint presentation of their findings to the <br />Board. Triangle J COG is a 43 member governmental organization that provides regional <br />planning expertise and houses the Area Agency on Aging. Ms. Brown talked about the goal of <br />the study and the key trends and opportunity sites it identified. She explained that a housing <br />study is one that shows the socio -demographic data and housing needs that exist within a <br />community. The key trends that they found as part of the study, included a diverse population <br />growth, a rapid growth, and that different types of people need different types of available <br />housing. One in three households are paying more than 30% of their income toward housing. <br />There are also a lot of housing mismatches and significant deferred maintenance needs. <br />Primarily what exists in Lee County are single-family homes and mobile homes. There are few <br />rental units affordable at 30% AMI or less. <br />Another portion of the report was to create opportunity sites analysis. They conducted a <br />parcel level GIS analysis to identify parcels that may be suitable for affordable housing <br />developments. They were thinking about it from the City ownership's perspective that the City <br />could work together with developers to get grants and tax credits. They also looked at infill <br />developments, less than 4 acres, and looked at only publicly owned sites. She then went <br />through twelve potential policy driven, program/partnership driven, and funding driven strategies <br />that the community can consider as it looks at affordable housing. <br />No action taken. <br />At 7:52 p.m. the Chair called for a six minute recess. <br />D. Recommendation by LCTC on Rankina of Transportation Proiects to Submit to TARPO <br />Removed from the Agenda. <br />E. Uodate from Sanford Area Growth Alliance <br />CEO of SAGA, Michael Smith, provided an over of SAGA's plan of work. Mr. Smith <br />provided an update on their activities over the past four months. He stated they have traveled <br />regionally to build site consultant relationships and worked with Regional Partnerships. SAGA <br />is using paid media and communication with stakeholders and trying not to overwhelm the <br />Commissioners with emails, but is trying to keep them updated. The area's manufacturing <br />strength continues to be a draw, while life -science projects have increased. Food and beverage <br />projects are also seeing an increase. In area of education and workforce, SAGA works with <br />public and private schools, CCCC, and several private staffing agencies. Their labor force is <br />half a million people. They continue to advocate for quality of life programs for the county, and <br />their residential task force has been meeting and hope to have an announcement soon. The <br />shell building is generating a tremendous amount of activity, including visits by several potential <br />tenants for the building. SAGA held 21 events in 4 months, not including neighborhood groups <br />and church meetings. He thanked the Board for their cooperation. He has been given additional <br />417 <br />
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