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5-20-19 Regular Meeting Minutes
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5-20-19 Regular Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/11/2019 4:44:48 PM
Creation date
6/11/2019 4:33:52 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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Sharwynne Blatterman-4 The Point, Sanford NC <br />The following persons spoke in opposition of the amendments: <br />No one spoke in opposition. <br />Chair Dalrymple closed the public hearing. <br />IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Pursuant to General Statute § 152A-52.1, Chair Dalrymple opened the floor for Public <br />Comments. No one wished to speak during public comments. <br />V. OLD BUSINESS <br />There was no old business <br />VI. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Resolution Honoring Mary Yow <br />Chair Dalrymple read the resolution expressing gratitude to Mary Yow, Tax Administrator. <br />Mrs. Yow is retiring on May 31, 2019 and the Board expressed their appreciation to Mrs. Yow <br />and her accomplishments as Tax Administrator. Commissioner Reives made a motion to <br />approve the resolution, a copy of which is attached to these minutes and by this reference made <br />a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Del Palazzo, Knecht, Reives, Sharpe, Smith <br />No: None <br />Absent: Dodson <br />The Chair ruled the motion had carried unanimously. <br />B. Presentation of Juvenile Crime Prevention Council FY2019-2020 Fundina Plan <br />Ms. Pamela Glover with the Lee County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council appeared before <br />the Board to provide the funding decision of the JCPC for FY2019-2020. Ms. Glover explained <br />that the State Consultant had an error with the County plan. The error did not change the dollar <br />amounts, but one of the in-kind amounts changed, and a new sheet was at the Commissioner's <br />seats. As part of its administrative budget, JCPC is going to be advertising for a part-time <br />coordinator. The funding decision of the JCPC Board includes Scots for Youth -$65,379, Project <br />Challenge NC -$62,312, DASH Mentoring -$20,000, G -MEN -High School Seminar -$5,000 and <br />Administrative funding -$9,080 for a grand total of $161,771. DASH Mentoring is a program <br />functioning in seven different counties and provides mentoring for ages 7-17. JCPC is trying to <br />be proactive because the Raise the Age legislation is effective December 1, 2019. She also <br />indicated Teen Court is functioning now and is expanding to a second day each month. The <br />total funding plan is the same: $161,771.00. <br />Ms. Glover provided an update in regards to the Raise the Age legislation. She indicated <br />that last Monday they received some numbers from the State and it appears the state is seeing <br />if they can divide 4.4 million dollars between the 100 counties. The state is still working on a <br />formula to be used to divide the funding. After further discussion Commissioner Reives moved <br />to approve their funding plan, a copy of which is attached to these minutes and by this reference <br />made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />:317 <br />
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