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1986 - 12-01-86 Regular Meeting
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1986 - 12-01-86 Regular Meeting
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4/23/2009 8:08:32 AM
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4/23/2009 8:07:53 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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OD <br />°loK 12 W7 108 <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF <br />COMMISSIONERS FOR THE COUNTY OF LEE, STATE OF <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />J Monday, December 1, 1986 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the County of <br />Lee, State of North Carolina, convened at 9:30 o'clock a.m., on Monday, Dec- <br />ember 1, 1986, in the Superior Courtroom of the Lee County Courthouse, 1408 <br />S. Horner Boulevard, Sanford, North Carolina, the same being the place <br />designated for the ceremony for the induction in office of County officials <br />elected at the last General Election. Present were Commissioners Raymond <br />C. Cox, Jr. and John E. Dotterer, whose terms as Commissioners had not <br />expired. Also present were Mrs. Bertha L. Matthews and Mr. Gordon A. <br />Wicker, who had been elected Commissioners and were present to take the <br />oath and qualify as Commissioners. Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, <br />Jr., who had been elected, was detained out of town because of inclement <br />weather and was not present. The oath was administered to Mrs. Matthews <br />and Mr. Wicker by Judge William A. Christian. Also inducted into office was <br />Mr. Billy A. Bryant, as Sheriff; Mrs. Lucille H. York, as Clerk of Superior <br />Court; Mr. Robert W. Dalrymple, Mrs. Margaret B. Murchison and Mrs. <br />Ellen S. Tyner, as members of the Board of Education. Mrs. York's appointees <br />as Assistant Clerk and Deputy Clerk were also administered the oath as well as <br />the Deputy Sheriffs appointed by Sheriff Bryant. Mr. Robert J. Bowers and <br />Mr. Thomas J. Poe, Jr. , were inducted into office as officers of the Soil and <br />Water Conservation District. <br />Following the ceremony, the Board retired to the Commissioners Room <br />on the second floor of the County Office Building, 200 Wicker Street, Sanford, <br />North Carolina, to complete the reorganization of the Board and to hold their <br />regular monthly meeting. <br />The draft of the minutes of the regular meeting held on Monday, November <br />17, 1986, were considered by the Board. Commissioner Raymond C. Cox, Jr. <br />moved that the draft of the minutes be adopted as the official minutes of said <br />meeting and that they be recorded. Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews seconded <br />the motion and upon a vote the motion was unanimously adopted. <br />The Board then proceeded to vote on filling the position as Chairman of <br />the Board of Commissioners. The results of the balloting was as follows: <br />
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