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*CONDITIONS TO THE REZONING PROPOSED BY THE APPLICANT <br />•* *PROHIBITED USES PROPOSED BY THE APPLICANT <br />The conditions to the rezoning that will govern the use and development of the Property are <br />shown in the site plan attached to the Application for Conditional Zoning District. In particular, <br />the Applicant has provided the following conditions to ensure that the rezoning will be <br />compatible with the residential properties located in the vicinity of the Property: <br />* � Conditions to the Rezoning <br />I. A 300 -fool buffer shall be maintained on the Property adjacent to the Deep River. <br />2. The Applicant will dedicate a forty-foot greenway trail easement within the 300-foot <br />buffer along the Deep River for the Deep River State Trail. <br />3. The Applicant will dedicate a twenty-foot greenway easement on the Property adjacent to <br />U.S. Highway 421, the future U.S. Highway 421 Interchange, and Cumnock Road. <br />4. A planting yard buffer consisting of filly feet shall be provided along Cumnock Road, <br />and plantings within such yard shall comply with Section 7.5.4 of the UDO. Existing <br />vegetation may be used to satisfy planting requirements in accordance with Section <br /> of the UDO. <br />5. No building footprint will be located within fifty feet of the property line adjacent to <br />Cumnock Road <br />* * 6. The following uses are prohibited on the Property: <br />a. Landfills, LCID (2 acres or less in size); <br />b. Landfills, C&D or LCID (greater than 2 acres in size); and <br />C. Tattoo Parlor/Tattoo Studio and/or Body Piercing. <br />*i 7. The following uses will be prohibited on the Property, in the event the UDO is amended <br />to allow the following uses in a HC zoning district: <br />a. Adult establishments, and <br />b. Landfills, Solid waste or C&D (2 acres or less in size). <br />r 3 • IL <br />t$K006M3.D0CX 4 t <br />Siznature: Date: <br />