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STATE APPROPRIATIONS FOR SENIOR CENTER BUDGET INFORMATION <br />STATE FISCAL YEAR 2012 <br />Complete one for each senior center listed to receive funds. <br />Agency Name: Lee County Senior Services <br />Senior Center Name: The Enrichment Center <br />Address: 1615 S. Third Street, Sanford, NC 27330 <br />Period Covered: FY 2012 <br />OBJECTS OF EXPENDITURE <br />Salary and Fringe Benefits <br />Supplies /Other Operating Costs <br />Equipment <br />Capital Outlay (Real Estate, Construction, <br />Renovation) <br />Other <br />(specify) <br />Date Prepared: 11/1/11 <br />AMOUNT <br />$ 1,500 <br />$ 10,775 <br />$ 4,000 <br />$0 <br />$0 <br />TOTAL BUDGET (Including local match) $ 16,275 <br />(Up to grant amount, only) <br />Each organization that receives, uses or expends any state funds shall use or <br />expend the funds only for the purposes for which they were appropriated by the <br />General Assembly or collected by the State. State funds include federal funds <br />that flow through the state. If the contractor or sub - grantee is a governmental <br />entity, such entity is subject to the provisions of the requirements of OMB <br />Circular A -133 and the NC Single Audit Implementations Act of 1987. If the <br />Contractor is a non - governmental entity, such entity is subject to the provisions of <br />G.S. 143 -6.2. Additionally, any non - governmental entity except a for - profit <br />corporation is subject to the provisio of OMB Circular A -133. <br />i ./� A 1� /�' <br />AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: �14 I /- /U- <br />TITLE: Chair, Lee County Board'of Commissioners DATE: <br />Triangle J Area Agency On Aging <br />