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SENIOR CENTER GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDING <br />Introduction and Instructions <br />Triangle J Area Agency on Aging is pleased to announce the availability of funds <br />for use by senior centers to support and develop programming and general <br />operations or to construct, renovate, or maintain senior center facilities. This <br />year the state total is $1,265,316 with a local match of $421,772 for a grand total <br />of $1,687,088. The local match will remain at 25% and can be cash or in -kind. <br />This funding is allocated to the Area Agencies on Aging for distribution to the <br />centers within the region that provide full time programs or will utilize the funding <br />to develop full time programs. The centers receiving these allocations (160) <br />must be listed in the Division of Aging and Adult Services Senior Center <br />Directory. <br />The senior center certification process has increased the base funding for those <br />who have successfully completed this process. This ensures that funding is <br />being well spent on readily identifiable programs and services and provides an <br />incentive for centers that make investments to meet the certification <br />requirements. Therefore, in order to provide an incentive to work toward <br />certification, and to reward those who achieve it, the Division is again funding <br />senior centers based on their certification status. The objectives for this year, as <br />in years past, are to: <br />• Allocate funding equally to every center, based upon certification <br />status; <br />• Require documentation and accountability for the use of funding, and; <br />• Provide incentives for centers to improve themselves through <br />certification. <br />The annual appropriation will again be divided into shares based on the total <br />number of senior centers, as determined by Area Agencies on Aging, plus extra <br />portions for each senior center that meets certification standards. Uncertified, <br />identified centers will receive one share equal to $4,069. Centers of Merit will <br />receive two shares equal to $8,138, and the Centers of Excellence will receive <br />three shares equal to $12,206. Your senior - center - specific allocations for FY '12 <br />are below. <br />The 25% matching resources for this funding must not be used to match any <br />other state or federal funding that the agency may receive. It is the responsibility <br />of the applicant to certify the availability of the local match. The local match may <br />be in the form of cash and /or in -kind and must directly support the purpose <br />for which the funds are used. Senior Center networks receiving funding for <br />Triangle J Area Agency On Aging <br />