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138 <br />M <br />0 PROCLAMATION <br />NATIONAL SCHOOL GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING WEEK <br />WHEREAS, school counselors are employed in public and parochial schools <br />to help students reach their fullest potential as human <br />beings, and <br />WHEREAS, school counselors are concerned with students being better <br />able to understand themselves, their abilities, strengths, <br />and talerr:s as they relate to career development and <br />awareness, and <br />WHEREAS, counselors help parents to focus on ways to further the <br />positive educational, persor:e.1, and social growth of their <br />children, and <br />WHEREAS, counselors care about uniting teachers, parents, administrators, <br />special service personnel, and the community to form an <br />effective guidance program for students, and <br />WHEREAS, guidance and counseling is seen as an essential part of the <br />educational process for each student as they adjust to our <br />very complex society, and <br />40 THEREFORE, We, THE LEE COUNTY BOArD iF COMMISSIONERS <br />do hereby proclaim the week of February 2-6, 1987 as National <br />School Guidance and Counseling Week. <br />