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137 <br />The County Manager advised the Board that the Lee County Parent- <br />Teacher Association Council had requested the Board to proclaim the week <br />beginning January 25, 1987, as Drug Awareness Week in Lee County. Commissioner <br />Bertha L. Matthews moved that the proclamation, a copy of which is attached hereto <br />and by this reference made a part hereof, be adopted. <br />Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews presented a proclaimation designating <br />the week of February 2 - 6, 1987, as National School Guidance and Counseling <br />Week. After consideration of the draft of the Proclamation, Commissioner Bertha <br />L. Matthews moved that the Proclamation be adopted. A copy of the Proclamation <br />is attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Commiss- <br />ioner Raymond C. Cox, Jr, seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously <br />adopted. <br />The Board next considered the vacancies on the Lee County Parks and <br />Recreation Board. Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews moved that Mr. Charles <br />Bowers be appointed to fill the vacancy created by the vacancy of Mr. Rex Robinson <br />for a term to expire on June 30, 1988, and that Ms. Irene White be appointed <br />to that commission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Ms. Barbara <br />Breeden, for a term to expire on June 30, 1989. Commissioner Raymond C. Cox, <br />Jr. seconded the motion and upon a vote it was adopted unanimously. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, it was <br />adjourned sine die. <br />G <br />CHAIRMAN <br />