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held on Tuesday, April 21, 1987. <br />County Manager, James Mills, reminded the Board of the legislative <br />meeting to be held on April 15, 1987. <br />The Board directed that the minutes reflect its regret to learn that <br />Miss Lori Williams would no longer be covering the Commissioners meeting <br />on behalf of the Sanford Herald and to wish her every happiness on the occasion <br />of her marriage and to hope for her continued success in her work with the <br />Fayetteville newspaper. <br />The Board directed that the minutes reflect that it extended its sincere <br />sympathy to Mr. Leonard Barefoot on the passing of his father, Mr. Noah Bare- <br />foot, of Johnston County. <br />The Board was saddened to learn of the illness of Mr. Ed Upchurch, an <br />employee at the County Landfill and directed that the minutes reflect its wishes <br />for a speedy and complete recovery for Mr. Upchurch. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, and it was <br />adjourned, sine die. <br />JOHN E. DOTTERER <br />CHAIRMAN <br />A J'0' ~ - <br />KENNETH R. O LE <br />CLERK <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNT <br />presented for rem I "BR " <br />31 <br />wemta Rc. iW wo' <br />