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c 6i #K 12 PV.~_ 174 <br />Mr. Leonard Barefoot, County Planner, appeared before the Board and, <br />in keeping with the recommendations of the Planning Board, asked for approval <br />of a petition asking that Tomberlin Road, Ashford Circle, Vantage Circle, and <br />Jasany Road be added to the state maintained system of secondary roads. Comm- <br />issioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the standard resolution recommending <br />addition to the std:e system be adopted and copies be furnished to the appropriate <br />division of the Department of Transportation. Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote, it was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Raymond C. Cox, Jr. moved that the Board request the <br />Department of Transportation to pave the entrance and apron in fron of the <br />Carolina Trace Fire Station on N. C. Highway No. 87. Commissioner Bertha L. <br />Matthews seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Chairman called for consideration of the resolution pertaining to the <br />funding schedule for school facility needs. After discussion, Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker moved the adoption of the following resolution: <br />FUNDING SCHEDULE FOR SCHOOL FACILITY NEEDS <br />The Lee County Board of County Commissioners has reviewed <br />the long-range plan and Summary of School Facility Needs submitted by <br />the Lee County Board of Education. The Board of Commissioners <br />proposes to fund these facility needs in accordance with the following <br />schedule: <br />1987-88 through 1989-90 $ 1, 300,000 <br />1990-91 through 1992-93 $ <br />Future needs <br />Total <br />$ 1062, 300 <br />$ 18,362,300 <br />Comments (If you are unable to specify a proposed funding schedule at <br />the present time, please indicate the reasons below): <br />Lee County issued $10 million dollars in school bonds in August of 1986, and <br />all but $1, 300, 000 (as shown above) was spent prior to preparation of the <br />above-mentioned School Facility Needs Summary. As noted above, Lee <br />County still has $17, 062, 300 in school facility needs at this time. We are <br />unable to specify a funding schedule, because we sincerely believe that <br />we would not be able to pass another school bond referendum anytime <br />soon. The funds generated by our local option sales tax levies were being <br />applied toward school debt service prior to the $10 million dollar issue <br />last year. Therefore, we do not have any sales tax funds to be used toward <br />future debt service. As a result, Lee County strongly supports the concept <br />of a state facility funding program. <br />