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0 0V 12 135 <br />Mrs. Norma Bullard, Tax Supervisor, and Mr. Ron McCarthy <br />with Elliott Ross & Associates, appeared before the Board to <br />present the proposed Manual of Uniform Schedule of Values, <br />Standards and Rules to be used in appraising real property. <br />The Board took no action on this matter but did instruct that <br />it be placed on the agenda for the June 15th meeting. The <br />Board commended Ms. Bullard for her efforts in the re- <br />valuation process. <br />Mr. Nathan Crissman, Tax Collector, appeared before the <br />Board to request that his office be allowed to write off <br />$38,730.73 in unpaid and uncollectable ambulance bills. Upon <br />motion of Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, seconded by <br />Commissioner Raymond C. Cox, Jr., it was unanimously adopted <br />to allow Mr. Crissman to write off these bills. The County <br />Manager was instructed to check into the possibility of using <br />an outside collection agency for future uncollectable bills. <br />County Manager Jim Mills presented for the Board's <br />consideration Budget Amendment #05/29/87/24 as follows: <br />SECTION 1. The following General Fund expense increases are <br />hereby approved: <br />DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET CHANGE NEW BGT. <br />AIRPORT 11009731981 TRANSFER TO 0 41,423 41,423 <br />WILSON <br />TOTAL CHANGE 41,423 <br />SECTION 2. The following General Fund revenue increases are <br />hereby approved: <br />DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET CHANGE NEW BGT. <br />REVENUE 11003990990 FUND BAL -550,000 -41,423 -550,000 <br />TOTAL CHANGE -41,423 <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Raymond C. Cox, Jr., <br />seconded by Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews, Budget Amendment <br />#05/29/87/24 was unanimously adopted. <br />County Manager Jim Mills also reported to the Board that <br />Donn -Gunderson with the Department of Social Services had <br />requested an appropriation of $16,000 in Emergency Assistance <br />Funds but has since found enough money within his budget to <br />cover this item. The Board instructed the County Manager to <br />arrange to have Mr. Gunderson at the June 15th meeting in <br />order to discuss some of his public assistance programs. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr., <br />seconded by Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, Mrs. Mary Alice <br />Holmes was unanimously appointed to another two-year term on <br />the Jury Commission to expire June 30, 1989. <br />