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NAY: Dossenbach <br />ODY 12 = 0 <br />The Chairman ruled that the policy had been adopted by a majority vote. <br />Commissioner Wicker brought up for discussion the matter of radio reading <br />service for the visually impaired and print handicapped and the matter was <br />referred to Mr. Gunderson, Director of Social Services to follow up and make a <br />response to the Southeastern North Carolina Radio Reading Service, Inc. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the Reverend Craig Lister of <br />the Episcopal church be appointed as a member of the Youth Commission. <br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr. seconded the motion and upon a vote the <br />results were as follows: <br />AYE: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Wicker and Dotterer <br />NAY: None <br />The Chairman ruled that the motion was unanimously adopted and Reverend <br />Craig Lister was unanimously elected as a member of the Youth Commission. <br />The County Manager discussed with the Board the action it had taken in <br />years past about the giving of a bad or worthless check to the County and called <br />their attention to the changes made by the recent Session of the General Assembly. <br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr. moved that the county charge a processing <br />fee of 15% for a bad check and that all agencies be directed to give proper and lawful <br />notice to such charge in conformity with the law. Raymond C. Cox, Jr. seconded the <br />motion, and upon a vote the results were as follows: <br />AYE: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Wicker and Dotterer <br />NAY: None <br />The Chairman ruled that the motion was unanimously adopted. <br />The Chairman called for consideration of the tax releases and refunds as <br />listed by the Tax Supervisor, copies of which are attached to the minutes and by this <br />reference made a part hereof. Commissioner Raymond C. Cox, Jr. moved that the <br />releases and refunds be approved and authorized. Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews <br />seconded the motion, and upon a vote the results were as follows: <br />AYE: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Wicker and Dotterer <br />NAY: None <br />The Chairman ruled that the resolution had been adopted by a unanimous vote. <br />