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John E. Dotte .r~*, ~6ohn E. Do terer <br />12 3 <br />Commissioner n E. Dotterer was declare reelected as <br />Chairman of the Board for a one-year term. <br />The Chairman directed that a vote be held for the <br />position of Vice-Chairman of the Board. The results of the <br />balloting were as follows: <br />Commissioner <br />John R. Dossenbach, Jr. <br />Bertha L. Matthews <br />Gordon A. Wicker <br />Nominee <br />John R. Dossenbach, Jr. <br />John R. Dossenbach, Jr. <br />Bertha L. Matthews <br />John E. Dotterer John R. Dossenbach, Jr. <br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr. was declared <br />elected Vice-Chairman of the Board for a one-year term. <br />Mrs. Norma Bullard, County Tax Supervisor, gave an <br />update on the Property Revaluation Program. Things are going <br />more smoothly at this time. Informal review hearings are <br />being conducted daily and several sessions have been <br />scheduled at night. Mrs. Bullard introduced Tom McCormick of <br />Elliott Ross and Associates who reported that as of Friday, <br />December 4, 1987, informal hearings have been held on 2,208 <br />parcels of real estate owned by 930 property owners. This <br />represents 8.88 of all the property in Lee County, and is in <br />line with the anticipated response of 108. Mr. McCormick <br />stated that the informal hearings would be completed during <br />the month of December, and field rechecking would be done in <br />January, 1988. Mr. McCormick stated that the project should <br />be completed by February 1, 1988 and be ready to turn over to <br />the Board of Equalization and Review. Also, Mr. McCormick <br />reported that each of the hearing offices were explaining the <br />Land-Use Program to those to whom it applies. Persons who <br />qualify for the Land-Use Values should apply when they list <br />their taxes in January, 1988. <br />Ms. Pam Valente, Director, Department for the Aging, <br />made a presentation on the process of developing a new Senior <br />Citizens Center. Mrs. Lenore Yow and Mr. Harvey Faulk were <br />present as representatives of the Board for the Aging. A <br />Steering Committee has been formed to work on this project <br />and will follow a nine-step developmental process. Ms. <br />Valente commented it would probably take 1-1/2 years to go <br />through this process. The Steering Committee has enlisted <br />the assistance of David Polston, Specialized Planner for <br />Senior Centers, and Mr. Polston will be working with the <br />Steering Committee during 1988. Ms. Valente stated that a <br />new Senior Citizens Center had been recently built in Garner <br />at the estimated value of $365,000 and that approximately <br />$170,000 in labor and materials had been donated by indi- <br />viduals and businesses in the community. It is estimated <br />that Lee County will need a building that would contain <br />between 7,000 and 10,000 square feet. Ms. Valente mentioned <br />that they were looking at methods of funding, and that if the <br />