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- sG <br />!ti 422 <br />-L2 r,,.:, <br />electrical revisions to the old hospital building and that the proper officials <br />be authorized to re-advertise the project for bids. Commissioner Raymond C. <br />Cox, Jr. , seconded the motion and upon a vote the results were as follows: <br />AYE: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Wicker and Dotterer <br />NAY: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been unanimously adopted. <br />There being no further business to come before the session it was <br />adjourned sine die. <br />- Ig W/, 0 <br />K, R, HOYLE <br />Clerk <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY ~(J <br />Pr nt d for registration nn Ana ~+ey <br />recorded in R -.pagea / <br />2 19 <br />OHN E. DOTTERER <br />Chairman <br />Nellie W. Thomas, Register of Deeds <br />