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N <br />acoi 12 430 <br />The Chairman ruled the resolution had been unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Elwin Buchanan, Grants Director, requested approval of an <br />agreement between the Southern Railway Company and Lee County for a 12 inch <br />water pipe line crossing at Cumnock located 3. 81 feet south of Milepost CF-123 <br />for the consideration of $50. 00 with no annual rental. The agreement was <br />reviewed and Commissioner Raymond C. Cox, Jr. moved that the payment of <br />the consideration be authorized and the execution and delivery of the agreement <br />be approved. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon <br />a vote the results were as follows: <br />AYE: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Wicker and Dotterer <br />NAY: None <br />The Chairman ruled the resolution had been unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Elwin Buchanan, Grants Director, appeared before the Board <br />and presented for the Board's consideration, a Resolution establishing just <br />compensation for a one acre tract of land to be the water storage tank site in <br />connection with the Golden Poultry water facility. After discussion, Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker moved the adoption of the following Resolution: <br />WHEREAS, an appraisal report by Mr. Clyde Burge for a parcel . <br />shown on the attachments to this resolution, was presented to the Lee <br />County Board of Commissioners for their review; and <br />WHEREAS, a review appraiser's (Mr. Albert Adcock), Fair Market <br />Value determination and his report therein was reviewed by the <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners at the meeting held on May 2, 1988; and <br />WHEREAS, information pertaining to the name of the owner, parcel <br />number and location noted in Lee County Registry Book No. 72 Page 49 <br />was available to each member of the Board of Commissioners; and <br />WHEREAS, the Lee County Board of Commissioners wish to establish <br />just compensation for the land only to be acquired by the Lee County <br />Board of Commissioners; and <br />WHEREAS, the delimits of the property and the interest to be <br />acquired therein was presented to the Board of Commissioners; <br />