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1988 - 05-16-88 Regular Meeting
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1988 - 05-16-88 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
4/21/2009 4:01:03 PM
Creation date
4/21/2009 4:00:44 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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sous 12 r-,ct 437 <br />received as a result of this advertisement were as follows: Bolton Corporation, <br />$284, 973. 00; Mace Electric Company, $210;, 000. 00. Mr. Kinney, on behalf of <br />O'Brien/Atkins Associates recommended that the low bid of Mace Electric <br />Company in the amount of $210, 000. 00 be accepted. After discussion, Commissioner <br />Raymond C. Cox, Jr. moved that the low bid of Mace Electric Company in the <br />amount of $210, 000. 00 be accepted and the appropriate officials be authorized to <br />contract with said firm at that price for and on behalf of the County. Commissioner <br />Bertha L. Matthews seconded the motion and upon a vote the results were as <br />follows: <br />AYE: Cox, Matthews, Wicker and Dossenbach <br />ABSENT: Dotterer <br />NAY: None <br />The Vice Chairman ruled that the resolution had been unanimously <br />adopted. <br />Mr. John Hall, Agricultural Extension Chairman, appeared before the <br />Board and recommended that the secretarial position in the Agricultural Extension <br />Office be made a full time position with a necessary increase in salary for the <br />step and grade, and that the County enter into an agreement with the North <br />Carolina State University and the Agriculture Extension Service for the County <br />to pay the necessary funds to the State and that the division of salaries be set at <br />45% for the County and 5576 for the State with respect to positions in the Agriculture <br />Extension Service. During Mr. Hall's presentation, Commissioner John E. <br />Dotterer joined the meeting and presided over the further deliberations of the Board. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the secretarial position in the <br />Agriculture Extension Office in Lee County be made affull time position; that the <br />salary be increased to the appropriate step and grade and that the County enter <br />into an agreement whereby the division of funds between the County and State would <br />be 45% for the County and 557o for the State, and that the County pay its funds to <br />the State in order that the State may make payment to all employees in the extension <br />service with all such changes to be effective on July 1, 1988. Commissioner <br />Raymond C. Cox, Jr. , seconded the motion and upon a vote the results were as <br />follows: <br />AYE: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Wicker and Dotterer <br />NAY: None <br />The Chairman ruled the resolution had been unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Nathan Crissman, Tax Collector, appeared before the Board <br />and advised the Board that the General Assembly in its 1987 Session provided in <br />Chapter 662 that with the approval of the Board of Commissioners, Tax Collectors <br />were authorized to show a tax bill paid in full if the amount due is less than $1. 00 <br />
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