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BOOK V PAGE 462 - C <br />Wicker moved that the following Project Budget Ordinances be adopted: <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Lee County Board of Commissioners in <br />its regular session assembled, approve the adoption of the following <br />Budget for REILS, identifier lights at approach end of Runway 3. <br />SECTION 1. The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the <br />REILS, identifier lights at approach end of Runway 3, Project No. <br />for the period to <br />according to the following summary. <br />SECTION 2. That for said project period there is hereby appropriated <br />the following <br />CCDE REVENUESCURCE <br />N. C. State Dept. Trans. (DOT) <br />Local Funds: <br />The Pantry, Inc. <br />Lee-Moore Oil Co. <br />Sanford Real Estate, Loan & Ins. Co. <br />Ekpense <br />Audit fees <br />Administration <br />Construction/ Materials <br />AMOUNT <br />$3,000 - <br />1,250. <br />1,250. <br />500. <br />100. <br />500. <br />5, 850 <br />SEC7E-'*. Copies of this budget shall be furnished to the Finance <br />Officer of Lee County, North Carolina, to be kept on file for direction <br />in collection of revenues and expenditures of amounts appropriated. <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Lee County Board of Commissioners in its <br />regular session assembled, approve the adoption of the following budget <br />for PAPI'S on the approach ends of Runways 3 and 21. <br />SECTION 1. The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the <br />PA PI'S on the approach end of Runways 3 and 21, Project No. <br />for the period to <br />according to the following summary. <br />SECTION 2. That for said project period there is hereby appropriated <br />the following: <br />