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nv V Pn,E 4641 <br />Commissioner Raymond C. Cox, Jr. seconded the motion and <br />upon a roll call vote the results were as follows: <br />AYE: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Wicker and Dotterer <br />NAY: None <br />The Chairman ruled that the Budget Ordinance had been <br />unanimously adopted and instructed the County Manager to make <br />distribution in keeping with Section 41 of said Ordinance. <br />Mr. Norman Calcutt was recognized from the audience, and <br />Mr. Calcutt spoke in opposition to the Budget which had been adopted <br />and expressed the need for long-term planning in the County affairs. <br />County Manager Jim Mills reported to the Board that the <br />staff had prepared all the County tax bills and that they were ready <br />for mailing and would be sent out immediately. The Board expressed <br />their appreciation for the work done by the administrative staff in <br />preparing the tax bills. <br />Mrs. Brenda Respess, Public Health Nurse, who is serving <br />as interim Health Department head appeared before the Board and <br />discussed activities within the Health Department. <br />The Board next observed a short recess. <br />Mr. Max Matthews, a member of the Lemon Springs Voluntary <br />Fire Department appeared before the Board and requested the Board to <br />subordinate the reverter clause held by the County to the title to <br />the Lemon Springs Fire Department property in order that they may <br />refinance their indebtedness to take advantage of a discount in <br />paying off their present loan to the Farmers Home Administration. <br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr., moved the adoption of the <br />following Resolution: <br />WHEREAS, the Lemon Springs Voluntary Fire Department desires to <br />refinance its current mortgage debt to Farmers Home Administration in order <br />to take advantage of a discount program which will effect a substantial savings <br />for the Fire Department; and <br />WHEREAS, the Southern National Bank of North Carolina is providing a <br />new loan of $100, 000 which is to be secured on the 1. 3 acres of land in Greenwood <br />Township which was conveyed to the Lemon Springs Voluntary Fire Department <br />by the County of Lee by deed dated January 20, 1982, and recorded in Book 328, <br />Page 585, Lee County Registry; and <br />WHEREAS, the deed of conveyance <br />conveyed a fee <br />determinable estate <br />which will terminate if the <br />Lemon Springs <br />Voluntary Fire <br />Department ceases to <br />use the premises as a fire <br />station; and <br />