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ciov 12 Ft;E S~iO <br />WHEREAS, there are certain provisions contained in Chapter 105 of the <br />General Statutes of North Carolina whereby certain properties qualify for exempt <br />status (examples: real and personal property owned by units of government, real <br />and personal property used for religious purposes, real and personal property <br />used for educational purposes, etc. and <br />WHEREAS, a property owner claiming exemption shall annually file <br />an application for exemption during the regular listing period, and the Tax <br />Assessor, upon examination of exemption claim, processes the claim; and <br />WHEREAS, Chapter 680 of the 1987 session laws of the North Carolina <br />General Assembly provides for a process whereby a taxpayer may file a late <br />application for property tax exemption after the regular listing period has expired: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lee County Board of <br />Commissioners that the Lee County Tax Assessor is hereby authorized to approve <br />a late application for property tax exemption status in the same manner that an <br />exemption request is processed during the regular listing period, as provided <br />for in G. S. 105-282.1. <br />Commissioner Raymond C. Cox, Jr. seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote the results were as follows: <br />AYE: Cox, Dossenbach, Matthews, Wicker and Dotterer <br />NAY: None <br />The Chairman ruled the resolution had been unanimously adopted. <br />The Board next took up for consideration the bids received for the <br />digital conversion of existing County tax maps from a multi-year time span <br />and the bids received for the installation of the geographic information system, <br />said system consisting of hardware, software and personnel training. <br />The bids received for the digital conversion were: Landmark Engineers, <br />$87, 500 and Graphic Mapping Group, $93, 437. 50. The bids for the CIS system <br />were: Graphic Mapping Group, $39, 962. 50; Geo-Based, $54, 920. 00; Landmark <br />Engineers, $52, 700 and $60, 300. Mr. John Moore of the Mapping Department <br />reviewed the bids received, and based upon the experienced personnel of the <br />companies, completion time and the closeness between the offices, recommended <br />that the digital conversion project be awarded to Landmark Engineers. Because <br />of the amount of software provided and the better package of software, he <br />recommended that the GIS system be awarded to Geo-Based. The matter was <br />extensively discussed between the members of the Board and Mr. Moore, <br />following which Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr, moved that the Board <br />accept the bid of Landmark Engineers for the digital conversion and the bid of <br />Geo-Based for the GIS system , and that the proper County officials be authorized <br />to enter into contracts for said program. <br />