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B. Request to authorize funding for fiber optic cable installation project. <br /> The current fiber optic cabling installed between the Government Center and Sheriff's <br /> Office is approximately 20 years old at this time. The fiber is still operational but has begun to <br /> show signs of degradation. The link between the Government Center and Sheriff's Office <br /> buildings remains a critical link for the County. We utilize space in the courthouse building for <br /> secondary data storage, real-time data replication, and disaster recovery planning. This fiber <br /> connection is also utilized to connect all staff in the Courthouse to the Lee County Government <br /> network thereby serving all network resources needed by staff in the Courthouse building for <br /> compute and telephony. Maintaining an efficiently operating connection between the two <br /> buildings I paramount. The proposed project is using materials and labor from the NC <br /> Structured Cabling Services state contract 962-18A COSP RFP# ITS-00638. IT Director Kyle <br /> Edwards requested the Board of Commissioners authorization to use the funds as intended so <br /> that IT can forward with obtaining a purchase order to proceed with the project. Mr. Edwards <br /> requested that the entire $120,000 of budgeted funds be authorized even though the quote is <br /> approximately$100,000, which will allow the County to prepare for railroad permit costs that <br /> may increase. Commissioner Reives moved to approve the request to authorize $120,000 in <br /> funding for fiber optic cable installation. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br /> Aye: Dalrymple, Del Palazzo, Dodson, Knecht, Reives, Sharpe, Smith <br /> Nay: None <br /> Chair Dalrymple ruled the motion had carried unanimously. <br /> C. Request for approval of internet and data circuit renewals. — Moved to Consent <br /> D. Request for approval of chiller pump upgrade at the Lee County Government Center. — <br /> County Manager John Crumpton stated that this was a rebid of a project to upgrade the <br /> chiller pump at the Lee County Government Center. When previously bid, only one bid was <br /> received, and when rebid and advertised a second time, only one bid was received. The total <br /> project budget was in the $65,000 range, and after engineering, there was about $52,000 left to <br /> spend on the upgrade. The bid was for$125,000 so the Mr. Crumpton made the decision to <br /> recommend to the Board to reject the bid and go back to redesign. The project includes <br /> upgrading the technology of the two chillers so that they communicate and have the ability to <br /> turn on and off as needed verses the manual operation that is currently required which is <br /> inefficient from a staff perspective. The project will be rebid in the fall. The two chillers have to <br /> be down for a week to 10 days, so between the cost overrun and the time of the year with the <br /> weather getting warmer, Mr. Crumpton requested to postpone the project at this time and reject <br /> the bid. Commissioner Reives moved to reject the bid for$125,000 for the chiller pump upgrade <br /> at the Lee County Government Center. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br /> Aye: Dalrymple, Del Palazzo, Dodson, Knecht, Reives, Sharpe, Smith <br /> Nay: None <br /> Chair Dalrymple ruled the motion had carried unanimously. <br /> E. Consideration of an application to serve on the Triangle South Workforce Development <br /> Board from Richard Shlademan, Jr. — Moved to Consent <br /> F. Consideration of an application to serve as an alternate on the Board of Equalization and <br /> Review from George Wayne Watson. — Moved to Consent <br /> Page 517 <br />