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County Manager's Report — February 18, 2019 <br /> Ongoing Projects <br /> Courthouse Renovations — The latest draft plans for the renovations have been <br /> discussed with the Architect. Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing those plans with <br /> the departments and agencies impacted by the changes. Once that process is complete, <br /> I plan on contacting Moseley Architects and give them the go ahead to begin construction <br /> drawings and prepare bid packets. The Renovations will have to occur in several stages. <br /> The first stage will include the Historic Courthouse and Fireplace Building. <br /> Kiwanis Park Improvements — City of Sanford — On January 2, the City Council gave <br /> their contractor the go ahead to begin the splash pad and park renovations at Kiwanis <br /> Family Park. The contract period was 8 months. With the recent good weather, work at <br /> the park picked up. A temporary entrance and portable toilets with a handwashing station <br /> was set up. The current bathroom facility will be torn down in the next couple of weeks. <br /> The playground will also be removed. The City's plans are to replace the equipment and <br /> build a new bathroom facility. <br /> Parks Master Plans - The County's projects have now moved into the construction <br /> drawings phase. We expect those plans to be ready by summer. <br /> Other Items <br /> Recap of Interlocal Committee Meeting —On February 11, the Town of Broadway, City <br /> of Sanford and Lee County representatives met in the Gordon Wicker Room. Items on <br /> the agenda included: 1) Unified Development Ordinance/Airport Overlay District. 2) <br /> Kiwanis Family Park Timeline. 3) Multi-Sports Complex. 4) Joint Library with CCCC. 5) <br /> Occupancy Tax Discussion — Civic Center. 6) Deep Well Injection Ordinance. 7) S3 <br /> Housing Connect Update and OMI Sustainability Plan. 8) Mary Margaret McLeod Mural <br /> discussion. 9) Under other business, the property tax revaluation, economic <br /> development, and town, city, and county cooperation was discussed. <br /> Multi-Sports Complex Meeting — The committee established to review the Multi-Sport <br /> complex plan will meet on Friday February 22 in the Buggy Factory conference room. <br /> The purpose of the meeting is to get the committee back together to review the plans, <br /> update costs and develop ways to inform the public of the project. <br /> Medicaid Prepaid Health Plan — Big changes are coming to the Medicaid Health Plan in <br /> North Carolina. We are still evaluating the impacts of these changes to county operations. <br />