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II. Kiwanis Family Park Timeline <br /> a. Victor Czar, City of Sanford Public Works Director, stated the notice to proceed on <br /> the renovations and splash pad at Kiwanis Family Park was issued beginning of <br /> January. The playground equipment is nearing the end of selection and will come <br /> online in the early part of June. The splash pad will need to go through a more <br /> rigorous inspection with the pump house and all aspects involved with the <br /> construction. Estimated completion is August 2019 assuming weather does not <br /> interfere. A temporary entrance next to the existing entrance will be opening. The <br /> existing bathroom will be coming down in another week and port-o-potties and wash <br /> stations have been provided to the public in the meantime. A park administrator has <br /> been hired, Don Royder, who will be helping to manage the project. Renderings <br /> were presented illustrating the entrance. City of Sanford Mayor Pro Tern Rebecca <br /> Salmon mentioned the possibility of working with local groups to provide public art <br /> for the park. Mr. Czar stated that a committee was used to select the playground <br /> equipment including equipment that is friendly to the mobility challenged. <br /> Ill. Multi-Sport Complex <br /> a. Many elected officials have been involved with members of the community. The <br /> Mayor and members of staff worked with the community to produce feedback <br /> through a study performed by Brailsford and Dunlavey to gage interest for a <br /> multisport complex. Mayor Mann stated that Sanford has a premier spot and citizen <br /> who is interested in donating land with the North Carolina Department of <br /> Transportation providing improvements. The owner would like to place a hotel <br /> toward the front of the property on eight acres. This item will be a proposal that will <br /> rely on public support. Mayor Mann stated the median age of Sanford is about 39 <br /> and this could be a good chance to provide opportunities for young families with <br /> children in the community. The estimated price is about $25,000,000 to complete. <br /> The next step is to reform the Multi-Sport Complex Committee to steer this project <br /> and reconnect with focus groups. <br /> IV. Joint Library with CCCC <br /> a. Chair Dalrymple met with members of CCCC at the Library Board of Trustees <br /> meeting last night to explore the idea of a new library. The Lee County Library has <br /> passed its prime many years ago and is not large enough to offer the programs and <br /> services needed by Lee County residents. The College has had conversations with <br /> the County regarding a joint library concept. The college has about 16,000 students. <br /> The college is offering the property next to the civic center off of Kelly Drive. The <br /> college proposes that the joint library would be placed along the road frontage with <br /> the public library on the lower floor accessible from the Nash Street side and <br /> upstairs with through a separate entrance would be the college library. There would <br /> be a connector to link the new part with a second building to go with the library <br /> design that would be for Lee Early College. The County Library Director, Beth List, <br /> would be in charge of the library portion and CCCC would hire two additional staff <br /> members to help with the college part. The Lee County Library Board of Trustees is <br /> working on a wish list for facilities and programs at the library and CCCC is doing <br /> the same thing and together with an architect, they will work on a conceptual design. <br /> This proposed bond for this project is expected to be placed on the November 2020 <br /> ballot. <br /> V. Occupancy Tax Discussion <br /> a. Mayor Mann stated that the Tourism and Development Authority has been very <br /> successful. They are about to award a project to a marketing firm to help kick off <br /> several projects. The way the language was written, the legislation is very <br /> restrictive, thus the City would like to propose consideration of a local bill to alter the <br /> Page 214 <br />