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LEE COUNTY <br /> Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br /> JOINT MEETING OF THE INTERLOCAL SUB-COMMITTEE FOR THE <br /> COUNTY OF LEE, CITY OF SANFORD, AND TOWN OF BROADWAY <br /> GORDON WICKER CONFERENCE ROOM <br /> 106 HILLCREST DRIVE <br /> SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27330 <br /> February 11, 2019 <br /> The Joint Interlocal Sub-Committee appointed to study Interlocal Agreements and other <br /> items of interest between the County of Lee, City of Sanford, and Town of Broadway, met at 11:00 <br /> a.m. in the Gordon Wicker Conference Room located at the Lee County Government Center, 106 <br /> Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, North Carolina on said date. Commissioner appointed members present <br /> were Amy M. Dalrymple, Kevin C. Dodson, and Cameron W. Sharpe. County Staff in attendance <br /> included County Manager John Crumpton, Finance Director Lisa Minter, County Attorney Whitney <br /> Parrish, Community and Governmental Relations Manager Jamie Brown, and Deputy County <br /> Attorney/Clerk to the Board Jennifer Gamble. <br /> Lee County Board of Commissioners Chair Amy Dalrymple called the Joint Sub-Committee <br /> meeting to order and the following items were discussed: <br /> I. Unified Development Ordinance/Airport Overlay <br /> a. Planning and Community Development Director Marshall Downey provided an <br /> update on the Unified Development Ordinance and Airport Overlay. The purpose of <br /> the Airport Overlay is to address concerns regarding residential encroachment <br /> around the airport. Base zoning would stay the same, and the new overlay, if <br /> adopted, would put a further restriction at one unit per five acres. This proposal was <br /> taken to a public meeting late August of last year and part of the feedback received <br /> was that property owners were concerned about the limitations placed on use of <br /> properties. In the overlay, you can create six lots off of a public street and up to <br /> three lots off of an easement. There will be another public meeting on February 27, <br /> 2019 later followed by a Joint planning Commission meeting and a public hearing <br /> later in the spring. There is a provision in the overlay regulating the development of <br /> major subdivisions. These requirements only pertain to residential development, not <br /> commercial and industrial. <br /> b. Planning staff will present at each elected Board's budget retreat to take a deeper <br /> dive into the development stance. One of the concerns is when an urban <br /> neighborhood is proposed, what are the expectations of the local boards? A <br /> consultant known as Benchmark has been engaged to assist with this process. <br /> Mayor Mann emphasized the importance of expressing the rules of zoning to <br /> developers and mentioned several residential projects getting ready to commence. <br /> Amenities, standards for development, and assistance with handling future <br /> development will be topics of focus. <br /> Page 114 <br />