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G'7 `1) <br />Hardware, home centers, lumber yard, heating and PlUnIbing etc. outside storage <br />Hardware, home centers, lumber yard, heatin and plumbing etc. inside storage <br />— Heavy e ui ment, sales and service <br />— Leasing/ rental recreational goods furniture, r<u su lies, Sporting goods <br />Leasing commercial and industrial machinery and cc ui ment <br />GLInSh0 s and gunsmiths <br />Mail order or direct selling establishments/ electronic shopping and mail -order houses <br />Medical e ui pment sales, rental or leasing <br />Ytonument and cut stone sales <br />Motion PiCtUre. video and audio production <br />Motor vehicle parts, accessories, tire sales, enclosed building onl <br />Motor vehicle, motorcycle, ATV's boats, RV's, etc. repair and service <br />Motor vehicle, towing with incidental storage, excluding salvage yards & junk yards <br />Nurseries and greenhouses, commercial see 5.25) <br />Office building (general <br />Palmistry services, forRme tellers astrologers <br />Pawnshops as defined by NCGS 91 A -2 <br />Personal services (e.g. nait salons, barbers, shoe repair and similar establishments), not <br />otherwise listed <br />Pet store or pet supply store <br />Phannacy or drugstore, without drive throe h facilit <br />Phartnacy or drugstore, with drive through facilit <br />Printing and pUblishing services <br />Professional services (legal, accounting, architectural, graphic, consulting, services, <br />research and development, advertising, etc. <br />Real estate, sales, rental & leasing <br />Repair of any goods equipment or vehicles, the manufacture, assembly or sales of which <br />are permitted in that zoning district <br />Restaurants, no drive -in or drive - through facilities <br />Restaurants, with drive -in or drive - through facilities <br />Retail sales or service establishments, not listed elsewhere and conducted within an <br />enclosed building <br />Services to buildings and dwellings (extermination, janitorial, landscaping, carpet and <br />upholstery, cleaning, packing and crating etc. ) no outside storage <br />Services to buildings and dwellings (extermination, janitorial, landscaping, carpet and <br />Upholstery, packing and cratin g etc. ) with outside storage <br />Shopping center su erstore, 25,000 — 100,000 s . ft. <br />Shopping center /su perstores over 100,000 s . ft. <br />Sorting g oods, toys and hobby sales, excluding guns and gunsmiths <br />* Tattoo parlor /tattoo studio and /or body piercing <br />Tobacco or tobacconist <br />Upholstery and furniture refinishing <br />Wholesale trade, generally, with operation conducted and merchandise stored entirely <br />within a building and not otherwise listed <br />2 -VOC LLC <br />