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602 <br />LEE COUNTY <br />a000a oar(? aoa <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />OF THE <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />106 HILLCREST DRIVE <br />SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 2733 <br />OCTOBER 17, 2011 B <br />The regular meeting of the Lee County Board of Commisioo� for the County of Lee, State of <br />North Carolina, convened at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners' Room, Lee County Government Center, 106 <br />Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, North Carolina, on said date. Commissioners <br />present sent were Richard B. Hayes, <br />Larry "Doc" Oldham, Charles T. Parks, Robert T. Reives, Linda X Shook, and James K. Womack, Jr. <br />Commissioner Nathan E. Paschal was absent from said meeting due'to health issues. <br />Chairman Shook called the meeting to order and the following business was transacted: <br />Commissioner Charles Parks delivered thation. <br />The pledge of allegiance was recited. <br />At this time the Board conducted a joint $ublic hearing with members of the Lee County <br />Planning Board regarding a petition by the Village of Cumnock, LLC to rezone approximately 128.84 ± <br />acres of land located at / tie northwest corner of H ighway 421 N. and Cumnock Road from <br />Residential Agricultural (RA and Residential Restricted (RR) districts to the Village of Cumnock, LLC <br />Highway CommercialfConditiona _District. Assistant Planning Director Marshall Downey <br />presented the request and answered questions from the Board. <br />Chairman Shook openedthe� public hearing that had been advertised for this date and time. <br />in favor of the rezoning petition: <br />1101 Haynes Street, Raleigh — Attorney for said project <br />Mr \Luke Cranford, 6305 Mockingbird Lane, Sanford, stated a website had been developed to <br />save Cumn&t\. Residents of the area want Cumnock to remain in its original state but know that <br />changes will be=ming since the by -pass will be coming close to their community. Mr. Cranford stated <br />most of the residents are okay with the project if all conditions are met that have been presented by the <br />developers. <br />Chairman Shook closed the public hearing <br />Planning staff and Planning Board members adjourned to the Gordon Wicker Conference Room <br />to continue deliberation on the request. A recommendation from the Planning Board will be presented <br />