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632 <br />MINUTES OF THE MEETING <br />OF <br />THE BOARD OF HEALTH <br />FOR <br />THE COUNTY OF LEE, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />October 12, 201 1 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Health for the Counq of Lee, State of North Carolina, convened at 7:00 p.m. <br />in the Gordon Wicker Conference Room, 106 Hillerest Drive, Sanford, North Carolina. Members present were: <br />Mrs. Tamara Brogan, Mr. Charles Clifford, Dr. Kelly Faulk, David Fisher, Dr. William Hall, Mrs. Linda Kelly, <br />Mr. Doc Oldham, Dr. Diane Schaller and Mrs. Martha Underwood. Pastor Alice Hooker and Dr. Lauren Williams <br />were absent from the meeting. <br />Dr. David Fisher, Chairperson, presided and the following business was transacted. <br />There were no corrections to the September 14, 2011 board meeting. These minutes stand approved as written. <br />Public Comments: None <br />The board considered Action Items: <br />Family Planning TANF Funds - $8,343 — Mr. Terrell Jones, Health Director - these are funds from the <br />state to be used for the prevention of out -of- wedlock binhs from African - American women who are <br />eligible to receive TANF funds; and for those who are at risk of becoming eligible as the result of <br />unintended pregnancies. This program is also pan of the Sister Love Program here at the health <br />department. An agreement addendum was sent to the board in their packet. Following discussion, more <br />information is needed about this program and Dr. Hall wants to know the success rate with using this <br />program. Dr. Hall moved to postpone accepting these funds until more information is received. Mrs. Kelly <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote, the results are as follows: <br />Ayc: Brogan, Clifford, Faulk, Fisher, Hall, Kelly, Underwood, Oldham, Schaller and Underwood. <br />Nay: None <br />The chai rpercn „ aded the motion was adopted unanimously <br />• Bad Debt Write -Off - M5X arol Kivett, Finance Officer — bad debt write - offs are as follows: Family <br />P aammn-g 7,449.82; Child Health - $833.25; Maternal Health - $4237.67; Communicable Disease (TB <br />skin tests) - $25.00 and Primary Care - S65. Total write off= $12,610.74. These are programs with <br />outstanding debt for a period of one year — July 2009 -June 2010. Attempts are made to collect the debt as <br />statements are sent out each month. Clients are not notified when their balance is written off. When they <br />come back to the health d5epartment to receive services or make a payment on their account, the account is <br />reactivated. Mr. Clifford asked what is the percentage of the total amount written off verses the total <br />amount earned for this past fiscal year. Discussion followed. Mrs. Kelly moved to approve the bad debt <br />write off of $12.610.74, pursue setting up the debit /credit card account, and Ms. Kivett getting the account <br />percentage information back to the board. Mrs. Brogan seconded the motion and upon a vote, the results <br />arc as follows: <br />Aye: Brogan, Clifford, Faulk, Fisher, Hall, Kelly, Underwood, Oldham. Schaller and Underwood. <br />Nay: None <br />The chairperson ruled the motion was adopted unanimously. <br />