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1-31-19 Planning Retreat
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1-31-19 Planning Retreat
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2/27/2019 2:58:14 PM
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2/27/2019 2:58:13 PM
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operating cycle (i.e. taxes collected in December), and to have a reserve for emergencies, <br /> unforeseen events, or unexpected opportunities. The majority of the County's liability is associated <br /> with debt. Liability can be managed through vesting requirements, closed plans, capped benefits, <br /> and benefits after participants are eligible for Medicare. Healthcare costs can be managed through <br /> on site health clinics, measuring biometrics, pharmacy, and high deductible plans and HSAs. <br /> B. Report from the Sanford Area Growth Alliance—Sanford Area Growth Alliance <br /> CEO Michael Smith introduced Chamber Executive Director Meg Moss who provided an update <br /> regarding Chamber membership. Ms. Moss stated that the Chamber currently has 575 members, <br /> some of which are outside of the County but desired the local contact. The Chamber Membership <br /> dues paid in 2018 was $171,338. New businesses include three new air B and B's, Edward Jones, <br /> and Miracle Ear. The Chamber holds about 50 networking events a year. On April 30, 2019, the <br /> Business Showcase will take place at the Dennis Wicker Civic Center. The Small Business Center <br /> has started a seven-part webinar on how to start a business in Lee County. In 2017 there were 94 <br /> new jobs representing 11 businesses just through the ribbon cuttings done through the Chamber. <br /> In 2018 there were 54 new jobs representing about 13 new businesses. Economic Development <br /> Executive Director Bob Joyce then provided an update on activities. For the last quarter of 2018 <br /> and the first month of 2019, the volume of large projects is strong. The types of projects include <br /> mostly manufacturing. Projects also include food and beverage that is more highly automated. <br /> Conveyor Technologies, near the Innovations Center, is in the automation business with picket <br /> place robots that are specialized in the circuit board industry. Mr. Smith and Mrs. Moss mentioned <br /> the Leadership Sanford program, which has educated citizens throughout the community. SAGA is <br /> currently at the end of their five-year capital funding campaign and are currently exploring ideas for <br /> phase two of the campaign. <br /> C. 2019 Reappraisal and Property Tax Update —Mary Yow, Lee County Tax <br /> Administrator and Michael Brown provided information regarding the 2019 reappraisal process. <br /> February 15, 2019 is the date scheduled to mail out reappraisal notices. The real appraisal process <br /> is the taking of all property and establishing a value for the property as of January 1, 2019. All <br /> property will be reassessed using the sales, cost, and income approach to value. Data is gathered <br /> through street level photography, pictometry, and Tyler Verify. In 2018, there were 800 valid sales <br /> to assist with the reappraisal. After notices are sent out, people may submit appeals informally <br /> through tax department staff. Beyond that, the appeals are sent to the locally appointed Board of <br /> Equalization and Review. After the Board of Equalization and Review makes their decision, an <br /> individual will have 30 days to appeal to the Property Tax Commission. Mary Yow also stated that <br /> a recent complaint had been received from someone who had mailed his tax payment through the <br /> box at the post office. Due to recent theft from the mailboxes at the post office, the payment was <br /> never received. The issue is interest on late payment. The Board requested that the County <br /> Attorney check with the postal service to see if there is any available information regarding the <br /> mailbox thefts. For this fiscal year 3,123 Gap Bills were billed amounting to $97,230 of which <br /> $4,185 was released due to incorrect data. $36,048 was collected. Currently Lee County has 5,112 <br /> RMV bills that remain uncollected totaling $253,928.97, which includes county, district, and <br /> interest. For the current year, $37,814 has been collected. Under GS 105-373 after five years, the <br /> bills may be relieved as insolvent. The minimum tax has stayed the same in Lee County at $1.00 <br /> for many years. Across the state, the amount varies from $1.00 to $5.00. To change this, a <br /> resolution is required by June 15th of the year you want it to be effective. Mrs. Yow said she is also <br /> required to provide the Board with a list of unpaid taxes on the first Monday in February. This will <br /> be posted to the Commissioner's site and distributed to the Board prior to the Board's issuance of <br /> the order. <br /> Page 415 <br />
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