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issue that needs to be addresd. Currently, Community College teachers make less than grade <br /> school instructors and generally have a minimum of a masters degree. Senator Burgin and <br /> Representative Sauls requested goals of the County. County Manager John Crumpton stated he <br /> has five goals. First, broadband grants are currently for Tier 1 counties only and Lee County is a <br /> Tier 2 with several areas that are underserved. Second, Lee County was left out of the Urban <br /> Emissions Exemption, so currently you have to get your emissions tested locally. The only County <br /> near Lee that still has to do it is Wake County. Moore, Chatham, and Harnett were exempted in the <br /> last round. Third, there was a question regarding dual enrollment with private school and the <br /> community college. Mr. Crumpton inquired whether other private schools and home schools were <br /> also accepting dual enrollment. There are currently no dual enrollment agreements in place. <br /> Fourth, in a private gated community when a government forecloses on property, they are currently <br /> paying homeowners association fees. There is a state statute that requires payment of the <br /> homeowners' association dues. The County is currently working with the property owner's <br /> associations to see if consideration for forgiveness of the fees would be permitted. Finally, Mr. <br /> Crumpton mentioned an issue with Duke Energy cancelling their contract with CHARA for disposal <br /> of coal ash. The site in Lee County is currently owned by CHARA. There was discussion with <br /> CHARA on what would be done with the property in Lee County and CHARA had mentioned <br /> bringing coal ash from outside of the state. Commissioner Dalrymple thanked the legislators for <br /> their work in getting Kelly Drive on the Department of Transportation list. Chair Dalrymple also <br /> requested that consideration be given for aligning the community college schedule with the school <br /> schedule. Commissioner Smith mentioned the widening of Highway 42 taking of grave sites at <br /> Shallow Well Church without adequate compensation. Commissioner Smith also requested <br /> consideration for the roadside trash issue across the County. <br /> Commissioner Reives left the meeting at 7:32 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Smith moved to recess the meeting until 9:00 a.m. on Friday, February 1, <br /> 2019. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br /> Aye: Dalrymple, Del Palazzo, Dodson, Knecht, Sharpe, Smith <br /> Nay: None <br /> Absent: Reives <br /> The Retreat reconvened on Friday, February 1, 2019 at 9:06 a.m., and the following topics <br /> were discussed: <br /> Ill. Review of Rezoning Procedures— County Attorney Whitney Parrish and Planning <br /> Director Marshall Downey reviewed with the board the consistency motion requirements related to <br /> rezoning matters. The County historically has not provided a recommendation from Staff, however <br /> presently, the recommendation is provided for City Council. Mr. Downey referred to a blog post <br /> issued by the UNC School of Government whereby it states that a zoning decision does not have <br /> to be consistent with a long range use plan, however if the motion deviates, a statement will be <br /> needed to describe the rationale for the deviation. When asked to take the two votes, the first being <br /> a statement on the planning consistency and the second on approving/denying the rezoning, the <br /> Board must either provide a statement to reject the rezoning and describe the inconsistency with <br /> the plan or it can approve the rezoning and describe the consistency of the plan. The Board can <br /> determine to approve the rezoning but finds that the plan is inconsistent but still will need to <br /> provide a rationale that rezoning should be approved. If there are deviations from the long range <br /> plan, Planning Staff will track those and present to the JPC each year as a review of the long range <br /> plan to make sure no changes/additions/modifications need to be made. With each alternative, the <br /> statement must also include why the statement is reasonable and in the public's best interest. The <br /> Page 215 <br />