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LEE COUNTY <br /> Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br /> SPECIAL MEETING <br /> OF THE <br /> LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> 106 HILLCREST DRIVE <br /> SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27330 <br /> JANUARY 31, 2019 <br /> The special meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Lee, State of North <br /> Carolina, convened at 5:00 P.M. in the Gordon Wicker Conference Room, First Floor, Lee County <br /> Government Center, 106 Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, North Carolina, on said date. Commissioners <br /> present when the meeting was called to order were Amy M. Dalrymple, Arianna M. Del Palazzo, <br /> Kevin C. Dodson, Robert T. Reives, and Kirk D. Smith. Commissioners Andre Knecht and <br /> Cameron Sharpe were absent at the time the meeting was called to order. Staff in attendance <br /> included County Manager John Crumpton, Assistant County Manager/Finance Director Lisa Minter, <br /> County Attorney Whitney Parrish, and Deputy County Attorney/Clerk to the Board Jennifer Gamble. <br /> I. CALL TO ORDER <br /> Chair Dalrymple called the meeting to order. <br /> II. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br /> III. OLD BUSINESS <br /> A. Consideration of a donation to Outreach Mission, Inc. of Property Located at Oakwood <br /> and South Third Street(PIN 9642-98-3679-00), Sanford, Lee County, North Carolina. <br /> Lee County and the city of Sanford foreclosed on the property located at PIN 9642-98- <br /> 3679-00 in 2013. Currently, $14,274.21 is owed on the property, which includes taxes and attorney <br /> fees. The current tax value of the property is $5,900. Outreach Mission contacted the City and <br /> County wanting to purchase the property. The City of Sanford, at its January 15, 2019 Council <br /> Meeting voted to convey its interest in the property to the County with the intent that the lot be <br /> received by the non-profit Outreach Mission to address homelessness. Upon further discussion, it <br /> was requested that the lot be donated to the Outreach Mission. <br /> North Carolina General Statute 160A-279 allows a County to convey by private sale real <br /> property to a public entity which carries out a public purpose for which the county has the legal <br /> authority to expend funds. North Carolina General Statute 153A-149(c)(3) authorizes the County to <br /> spend monies on social service programs which are not governed by the social services statute. If <br /> the County wishes to donate the property, it will have to place covenants in the deed to ensure the <br /> entity continues to use the property for said public purpose. The proposed shelter will benefit the <br /> homeless population of Lee County and the Outreach Mission Inc. will not discriminate based on <br /> anyone's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Outreach Mission will submit to the <br /> County the programs it offered throughout the year, and that if the property were to stop being <br /> used for said public purpose, it will revert back to the County. Commissioner Smith moved to <br /> approve the donation of property located at Oakwood and South Third Street (PIN 9642-98-3679- <br /> Page 113 <br />