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B. Consideration of an offer to purchase property located at Oakwood and South Third Street (PIN <br /> 9642-98-3679-00), Sanford, Lee County North Carolina <br /> County Attorney Whitney Parrish stated that the current amount owed on the property is <br /> $14,274.21, which includes taxes and attorney fees owed. The current tax value of the property is <br /> $5,900.00. Outreach Mission has contacted the City and the County expressing an interest in <br /> purchasing the lot for$400.00. According to the letter submitted by Outreach Mission, the <br /> organization is looking at purchasing the lot for a homeless shelter. This request was taken at the <br /> last City Council meeting and they agreed to deed their interest to the property to the County under <br /> the condition that it be transferred to Outreach Mission to address the issue of homelessness. <br /> Following this meeting, the issue came up as to whether the County could donate the property to <br /> Outreach Mission with the intent that it be transferred for the public purpose of addressing <br /> homelessness. Due to having received the request recently, Mrs. Parrish requested an opportunity <br /> to research and verify the validity and procedure for the transfer. Outreach Mission is seeking grant <br /> funding and in order to apply they will need to own the property by the end of February. With this in <br /> mind, Ms. Parrish requested holding a special meeting at 5:00 p.m. prior to the Commissioner's <br /> Planning Retreat next Thursday, January 31, 2019 to address this item. No action was taken. <br /> B. Request from the City of Sanford for a donation of County owned property located on Shannon <br /> Drive (PIN 9633-94-7612-00). — Moved to Consent. <br /> C. Consideration of appointments to the Board of Equalization and Review. <br /> Deputy County Attorney/Clerk to the Board Jennifer Gamble provided that the Board of <br /> Equalization and Review currently has 6 regular position and 2 alternate positions with terms set to <br /> expire in February 2019. The individuals seated on this Board will sit in the place of the County <br /> Commissioners to hear property tax appeals that may be filed formally at the County level. The <br /> Commissioners will need to vote on the appointments and designate a Chair per North Carolina <br /> General Statute § 105-322(a). Commissioner Reives moved hold the vote on the appointments <br /> and designation of the Chair by ballot. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br /> Aye: Dalrymple, Del Palazzo, Knecht, Reives, Sharpe, Smith <br /> Nay: None <br /> Absent: Dodson <br /> Chair Dalrymple ruled the motion had carried unanimously. <br /> Upon review of the ballots submitted, the following people were appointed to the Board of <br /> Equalization and Review: <br /> - Jon Michael McDonald <br /> - Kenneth J. Harden <br /> - Alfred S. Rushatz <br /> - Halford G. Fore (Alternate) <br /> - Erica D. Glover <br /> - Gary M. Thomas Sr. <br /> - John Edward Angel <br /> The following person was designated as Chair: Jon Michael McDonald <br /> A copy of the ballots are attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part <br /> hereof. <br /> Page 315 <br />