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BK 1521 PG 0303 <br /> Exhibit"A" <br /> BEGINNING at an ash tree on the bank of Big Buffalo Creek,a corner with <br /> Westlake Valley Property and running thence,as the line of the Westlake Valley <br /> property,South 81 degrees 45 minutes West 286 feet to a stake;thence South 10 <br /> degrees 15 minutes East,near or along a fence, 1,697 feet to a stake in the line of <br /> the property belonging to the City of Sanford;thence,as the City property line, <br /> North 18 degrees East 377 feet to Big Buffalo Creek;thence,down said Big <br /> Buffalo Creek to the BEGINNING,containing 13.31 acres according to a survey <br /> by Hal T. Siler,dated May 25, 1964. <br /> This property is conveyed SUBJECT to any valid reversion or reverter clause <br /> under which the Grantore acquired title. <br />