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Agricultural (RA) to Copper Ridge Estates Conditional Zoning District for the purpose of <br /> developing a residential single-family home subdivision. Upon a vote, the results were as <br /> follows: <br /> Aye: Dalrymple, Del Palazzo, Dodson, Knecht, Reives, Sharpe, Smith <br /> Nay: None <br /> Chair Dalrymple ruled the motion had carried unanimously. <br /> V. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Consideration of appointment of Rebecca Hunter to the Lee County Library Board of <br /> Trustees. — moved to Consent Agenda. <br /> B. Request from the Sanford Lee County Regional Airport Authority to access funds from <br /> the Airport Reserve Fund for Capital Proiect Improvements at the Airport. <br /> At the fiscal year end on June 30, 2018, the Airport Reserve Fund's balance was <br /> $254,783. The tax base for the Airport in the current fiscal year is $30,000,000. It is <br /> projected that tax revenue for the Airport Reserve Fund will exceed $225,000 in the current <br /> fiscal year. In the current budget, there is $100,000 from the fund to go to the Airport for <br /> capital purchases and operations. Thus, there is sufficient available money in the fund to <br /> grant the request for $218,000. The funds will be used to install an elevator for the terminal <br /> building project and to fund a 10% local match for an NCDOT grant for the parking lot and <br /> access road project. Commissioner Reives moved to approve the request in the amount of <br /> $218,000 from the Sanford Lee County Regional Airport Authority. Upon a vote, the results <br /> were as follows: <br /> Aye: Dalrymple, Del Palazzo, Dodson, Knecht, Reives, Sharpe, Smith <br /> Nay: None <br /> Chair Dalrymple ruled the motion had carried unanimously. <br /> VI. MANAGERS' COMMENTS <br /> VII. COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> With no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Reives moved to <br /> adjourn the meeting. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br /> Page 516 <br />