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Agenda Package -10-17-11
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Agenda Package -10-17-11
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Last modified
10/12/2011 8:59:06 AM
Creation date
10/12/2011 8:55:42 AM
Board of Commissioners
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Pg. 4 of 4- Village of Cumnock, LLC HCCZD <br />Application 2011 -1001 <br />and issuance of the appropriate permit. The total area remaining for SIA's in the DRS- WS -IV- <br />PA is over 653.5 acres. As shown on FEMA Map #37109625001 dated February 2, 2007 areas <br />of floodplain exist along the western side of the tract that borders Deep River. <br />Development Standards <br />If rezoned, development of the site will be required to meet the building design standards for <br />non - residential developments along a thoroughfare, development standards of the UDO and <br />specific conditions placed on the property by the applicant as stated in the application. <br />Conformance with the Sanford/Lee County 2020 Land Use Plan <br />The 2020 Land Use Plan and Map identify areas at the interchange of US Highway 421N and <br />Cumnock Road as being within a Highway Node and Highway Overlay classifications. The <br />Highway Node classification identifies major mixed -use areas of retail /service centers of over <br />200,000 square feet with additional major office and business park employment. Development <br />at a highway node should be sited and designed as a community gateway. The Highway Overlay <br />adds a higher level of design standards for uses developed along a major highway corridor. The <br />Plan places other areas of the property within a Conservation Zone. The 2020 Plan also has a <br />portion of the property in a Conservation Zone. The Plan suggests development in a <br />Conservation Zone be limited to low- density residential of 3 -acres minimum lot size and <br />farmland. <br />Additionally, the 2020 Land Use Plan encourages the Community to permit commercial and <br />retail establishments provided that proper buffering and design is furnished as needed and the <br />traffic generated does not have a negative impact on the neighborhoods. <br />When considering the zoning of the property, current development trends of the neighborhood <br />should be continued and applied. <br />Neighborhood Meeting <br />Several neighborhoods meeting have been held by the applicants and the community in an <br />attempt to resolve some of the concerns of the neighborhood. As a result, the Village of <br />Cumnock LLC has placed conditions upon their request that excludes several of the uses from <br />the Highway Commercial permitted use list and included increased buffer widths. <br />The most recent neighborhood meeting was held on Thursday, September 29 at 6:30pm at the <br />West Sanford Rural Volunteer Fire Department in the Cumnock Community. The applicants and <br />their attorney Mr. Gray Styers of Styers & Kemerait law firm in Raleigh, NC attended along with <br />approximately seven citizens. Mr. Styers reiterated the objective of the rezoning and its process. <br />4 of 4 <br />
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