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G <br />Pg. 3 of 4-Village of Cumnock, LLC HCCZD <br />Application 2011 -1001 <br />• A twenty -foot greenway easement on the Property adjacent to U.S. Highway 421, the future U.S. <br />Highway 421 Interchange, and Cumnock Road. <br />• A planting yard buffer consisting of fifty feet shall be provided along Cumnock Road, and <br />plantings within such yard shall comply with Section 7.5 .4 of the UDO. Existing vegetation may <br />be used to satisfy planting requirement in accordance with Section of the UDO. <br />• No building footprint will be located within fifty feet of the property line adjacent to Cumnock <br />Road." <br />Transportation <br />The NCDOT 2010 Annual Daily Traffic Study reports 13,000 vehicles trips per day on US <br />Highway 421N near the subject tract. There are no traffic studies for Cumnock Road. Current <br />road projects in the area include the construction of the northern end of the US 421 Bypass. The <br />Bypass will intersect into Highway 421 with a partial cloverleaf interchange at Cumnock Road. <br />Highway Commercial districts and uses are generally located adjacent to or near a major <br />highway corridor /thoroughfare. US Highway 421 is a major thoroughfare as stated in the <br />Sanford/Lee County Thoroughfare Plan Technical Report. Major thoroughfares typically serve <br />through travel and external travel into major industrial, commercial, recreational, and <br />institutional attractions. They may be either partial or no control of access and usually have little <br />to no on- street parking. A function of major thoroughfares is to carry traffic with the least <br />amount of driveway interruptions which could be an impediment to traffic flow. US Highway <br />421N brings traffic from Siler City and Greensboro to Sanford, each connecting to Horner <br />Boulevard, a major commercial corridor. <br />Utilities <br />Public water is accessible to the site by means of a 12 -inch water line in the right -of -way of <br />Cumnock Road. Immediate development of the site will require a private on -site septic system <br />for waste disposal. A public sewer line runs along Big Buffalo Creek and may be extended to <br />serve the site. The applicant is required to coordinate with the City Public Works Department <br />regarding connection to these public utilities. <br />Emergency Response <br />The subject property is located within the West Sanford Fire District. <br />Environmental <br />The property is located within the Deep Fear WS -IV Protected Area (DR- WS -IV-PA) watershed. <br />Non - residential development occurring in a WS -IV watershed classification which requires a <br />Sedimentation and Erosion Control permit may occur at no more than twenty -four percent (24 0 /0) <br />built upon area for projects utilizing curb and gutter and at no more than thirty -six percent (36 1 /o) <br />built -upon area if the project does not utilize curb and gutter for storm water control. Ten <br />percent (10 %) of the CFS- WS -IV -PA watershed area may be developed with new development <br />projects up to seventy (70 %) built -upon area as Special Intensity Allocations (SIAs). SIAs are <br />allocated by the Watershed Administrator on a "first come, first served" basis upon the approval <br />3 of 4 <br />/ 3, <br />