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0 1. 3 <br />Pg. 2 of 4-Village of Cumnock, LLC HCCZD <br />Application 2011 -1001 <br />The applicant is requesting to rezone the property to the Village of Cumnock, LLC Highway Commercial <br />Conditional Zoning District (Type 2). The Highway Commercial (HC) district is established to <br />accommodate uses that depend upon a large flow of traffic and convenient access, such as the <br />retailing of merchandise and professional and business services. The HC district requires a <br />minimum building setback of 10 feet from a public street right -of -way, 0 feet from a rear <br />property line and 0 feet from all side property lines. As proposed, the development of the property <br />will be subject to the dimensional and density regulations of the Highway Commercial district. <br />The Conditional Zoning District Type 2 is defined as a conditional zoning district created for the <br />purpose of allowing a property owner to place additional conditions upon an existing, equivalent <br />conventional, general use zoning district. Conditional Zoning District Type 2 would be the <br />preferred zoning approach if a petitioner desired to (a) to reduce or narrow the number of <br />permitted uses and/or (b) impose higher level design standards than that which exists within an <br />equivalent general use zoning district. Conditional Zoning District Type 2 would also be <br />practical in situations where a petitioner desires to install or construct additional buffers or other <br />physical features that would serve to increase the protection afforded neighboring properties <br />and/or the appearance of the proposed development. The application shall include a Site Plan and <br />detailed narrative text that specifies the conditions that will govern the development and use of the <br />property. If approved, only the uses as listed in the application would be allowed and the site would be <br />required to be developed in accordance with the design illustrated on the site plan. Please note that the <br />site plan submitted is a concept plan. Therefore if the property is rezoned a condition should be placed <br />on the approval stating that a detailed site plan will be required to be approved by the Board of <br />Commissioners in the saute procedurd manner as this public hearing prior to a development permit. <br />Any conditions so authorized by the Boards and accepted by the applicant shall be perpetually <br />binding upon the property, the original applicants, their heirs, successors, and assigns. <br />Land Uses Proposed for the Village of Cumnock LLC Highway Commercial Conditional Zoning <br />Distrito <br />As proposed, the applicant is requesting that all uses currently permitted in the Highway Commercial <br />zoning district (see HC permitted use list attached) be allowed with the exception of the following uses: <br />• Landfills, LCID (2 acres or less in size); <br />• Landfills, C & D or LCID (greater than 2 acres in size); and <br />• Tattoo Parlor/Tattoo Studio and /or Body Piercing <br />The applicant is also proposing to prohibit the following uses in the event the UDO is amended to allow <br />such uses in the Highway Commercial zoning district: <br />• Adult establishments; and <br />• Landfills, Solid waste or C & D (2 acres or less in size) <br />Design Considerations for Village of Cumnock Highway Commercial LLC Conditional Zoning <br />District <br />In addition to the development standards required in the Highway Commercial zoning district, the <br />applicant proposes the following Conditions to the Rezoning Request: <br />• "A 300 -foot buffer shall be maintained on the Property adjacent to the Deep River. <br />• A forty -foot greenway trail easement within the 300 -foot buffer along the Deep River for the <br />Deep River State Trail. <br />2 of4 <br />/d--- <br />