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2011 - 08-15-2011 Reg. Meeting
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2011 - 08-15-2011 Reg. Meeting
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10/5/2011 10:48:40 AM
Board of Commissioners
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Department of Cultural Resources <br />State Library of North Carolina ® IVI 24 <br />APPLICATION FOR STATE AID TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES <br />State Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 <br />(Submit one form only) <br />The type of library and its governance determine the signature required on this document. <br />County Library: Chair of County Commissioners <br />Municipal Library: Chair of Town/City Council <br />Regional Library: Chair of Regional Board of Trustees <br />Independent County Library: Chair of Board of Trustees <br />I_hai IL-1 CnIinflZ R 0 2rd -Of <br />. Print Tile Commissioners <br />certify that <br />having met the following requirements, hereby applies for funding from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund. <br />07 NCAC 02E.0301 QUALIFICATIONS FOR GRANT ELIGIBILITY <br />Libraries requesting funding from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund shall submit annually to the State Library of North Carolina an <br />application for State Aid and supporting documentation including financial and statistical reports and shall meet the following <br />eligibility requirements: <br />(I) Be established consistent with the provisions of Article 14, Chapter 153A of the North Carolina General Statutes. <br />(2) Provide library services in compliance with applicable State and Federal law to all residents of the political subdivision($) <br />supporting the library. Public library services shall be provided from at least one designated facility with a catalogued <br />collection that is open to the public a minimum of 40 hours per week. <br />(3) Employ a full -time library director having or eligible for North Carolina public librarian certification. Full -time means <br />working a minimum of 35 hours per week. <br />(4) Secure operational fimds from local government sources at least equal to the average amount budgeted and available for <br />expenditure for the previous three years. A grant to a local library system from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund shall not be <br />terminated but shall be reduced proportionately by the Department if the amount budgeted and available for expenditure by <br />local government is below the average of the previous three fiscal years. State funds shall not replace local funds budgeted <br />and available for expenditure for public library operations. <br />(5) Secure aggregate operational funds from local sources at least equaling state aid. <br />(6) Expend funds as authorized in the budget adopted by the Board of Trustees of a Regional Library, a County, or a <br />Municipality. Any library having an unencumbered operational balance of more than 17 percent of the previous year's <br />operating receipts shall have the difference deducted from its state allocation. <br />(7) Pay salaries for professional positions funded from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund at least at the minimum rate of a salary <br />grade of 69 as established by the Office of State Personnel. <br />.(8) Provide to the State Library of North Carolina an annual audit of the political subdivision(s) funding the library consistent <br />with generally accepted accounting principles. <br />(9) Submit annually to the State Library of Notch Carolina a copy of the bylaws of the library system's Board(s) of Trustees. <br />(10) Submit annually a current long -range plan of service to the State Library of North Carolina. A long -range plan of service is a <br />plan of at least five years. Upon request, submit an assessment of a community's library needs to the State Library of North <br />Carolina. <br />(11) Submit a copy.of the agreement establishing the library system, if composed of more than one local.governmental unit. <br />(12) Meet the following stipulations when establishing a new library or re- establishing eligibility for the Aid to Public Libraries <br />Fund: <br />(a) meet all qualifications for the state aid to public libraries program on July 1 of the year prior to the fiscal year that the library <br />plans to receive State Aid, <br />(b) continue to meet all qualifications for the state aid to public libraries program from July I to June 30 of that year, which shall be <br />known as the demonstration year, <br />(c) file a full application for state aid by the June 30 deadline at the close of the demonstration year in order to receive state aid in <br />the next fiscal year. <br />SOLD <br />Rev.06 /1 I <br />Submit application to: Jennifer Pratt <br />Library Development Section <br />State Library of North Carolina <br />4640 Mail Service Center <br />Raleigh, NC 27699-4640 <br />Deadline for submission of FY July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012 <br />application is: <br />Postmarked on or before September 15, 2011 <br />
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