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94 V <br />�IrM, is �i 1 <br />Addendum A - EDA Procurement Policy <br />LEE COUNTY <br />FEDERAL PROGRAM <br />GENERAL FEDERAL GRANT /LOAN PROGRAM PROCUREMENT POLICY AND <br />SELECTION STANDARDS <br />Lee County (County) shall use the following guidelines in the procurement of services <br />and supplies, which will be financed whole or in part by Federal funds as applicable by <br />procurement standards set forth in 15 CRF Part 14 and according to the EDA <br />publication "Summary of EDA Construction Standards ". <br />1. OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT <br />The County will use the Small Purchase Procedures for the procurement of supplies <br />(aggregate shall not exceed $100,000). The County shall prepare a list of the supplies <br />that are anticipated to be needed during the startup and course of the project. This list <br />will be given to at least three vendors in the general area. The County shall select the <br />supplier /vendor based upon the low bid for the total purchase. <br />2. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />The County shall use the Competitive Proposals procurement procedures for the <br />procurement of professional services. The following guidelines will apply: <br />a. A notice soliciting professional service proposals will be placed in a newspaper <br />with local circulation at least 14 days prior to the selection date. <br />b. A Request for Proposal will be developed and sent to at least three interested <br />firms or individuals known to provide the solicited professional services. The Request <br />will follow the procurement guidelines as expressed by Federal program guidelines and <br />set forth clearly the requirements that the offeror shall be expected to fulfill. <br />C. Proposals must contain cost of service expressed as a lump sum cost or a not <br />to exceed cost with hourly rates. Note: Engineering firms are exempt from having to <br />include a lump sum or not -to- exceed statement in their proposals. <br />Lee County Purchasing and Contracting Policy Page12 <br />Amended August 15, 2011 <br />