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THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />I 1 COUNTY OF LEE <br />INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA AND <br />THE COUNTY OF LEE, NORTH CAROLINA <br />U.S. Department of Justice: 2011 JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) PROGRAM AWARD <br />This agreement is made and entered into this day of July, 2011, by and between the COUNTY <br />OF LEE, acting by and through its governing body, the Board of Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as <br />COUNTY, and the CITY OF SANFORD, acting by and through its governing body, the City Council, hereinafter <br />referred to as CITY, both of the Lee County, State of North Carolina, witnesseth: <br />WHEREAS, this Agreement is made under the authority of the Lee County Governing Board and the City <br />of Sanford Governing Body, with the County Manager and the City Manager acting as the representatives for these <br />bodies: and <br />WHEREAS, each governing body, in performing governmental functions or in paying for the performance <br />of governmental functions hereunder, shall make that performance or those payments from current revenues legally <br />available to that party: and <br />WHEREAS, each governing body finds that the performance of this Agreement is in the best interests of <br />both parties, that the undertaking will benefit the public, and that the division of costs fairly compensates the <br />performing party for the services or functions under this Agreement: and <br />WHEREAS, the CITY agrees to provide the COUNTY $6,128 from the 2011 JAG award for the LEE <br />COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE: and <br />WHEREAS, the CITY and the COUNTY believe it to be in their best interests to reallocate the JAG funds. <br />NOW THEREFORE, the COUNTY and CITY agree as follows: <br />Section 1. <br />CITY agrees to a division of the 2011 JAG funds in such a manner that the CITY's allocation is reduced by $6,128, <br />which will be paid to COUNTY. <br />COUNTY agrees to use $6,128 for the Lee County Sheriffs Office and the CITY agrees to use 56,128 for the <br />Sanford Police Department until 2013. <br />Section 3. <br />Nothing in the performance of this Agreement shall impose any liability for claims against COUNTY other than <br />claims for which liability may be imposed by the NC 'fort Claims Act. <br />Section 4. <br />Nothing in the performance of this Agreement shall impose any liability for claims against CITY other than claims <br />for which liability may be imposed by the NC Tort Claims Act. <br />Section 5. <br />Each party to this Agreement will be responsible for its own actions in providing services under this agreement and <br />shall not be liable for any civil liability that may arise from the furnishing of the services by the other party. <br />Section 6. <br />The parties to this Agreement do not intent for any third party to obtain a right b virtue of this g� Y Agreement. <br />