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2011 - 08-15-2011 Reg. Meeting
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2011 - 08-15-2011 Reg. Meeting
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Last modified
10/5/2011 10:50:47 AM
Creation date
10/5/2011 10:48:40 AM
Board of Commissioners
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e e <br />24 ,:,: 4 <br />Ohm arbor - <br />ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES° <br />HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION AGREEMENT <br />.This Agreement is entered into this 15 day of August , 2011by and between <br />The County of Lee, North Carolina , ( hereinafter °Community "), and <br />Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc. (hereinafter "Clean Harbors "), a Massachusetts <br />corporation. <br />Community and Clean Harbors hereby agree as follows: <br />At a date and time to be specified in writing at least two weeks in advance by the <br />Community, Clean Harbors shall have present at the following location Dennis A. W icker <br />Civic Center, 1801 Nash St., Sanford, NC 27330 (the "Site ") an <br />employee or agent of Clean Harbors (the "Site Chemist ") trained in the identification and <br />handling of household hazardous wastes ( "Wastes ") as defined by state and federal laws <br />and regulations, and such personnel, equipment and materials as are necessary to handle, <br />containerize, label, load and transport said wastes for disposal in a manner which <br />conforms to state and federal laws and regulations. <br />2. a. Cmmunity agrees to pay Clean Harbors for services under this agreement <br />in accordance with the attached Rate Schedule ( "Rates ") with the condition <br />the Community not pay more than $ 2 5, 0 0 0 . 0 0 (the <br />"Contract Limit'). <br />b. The Site Chemist will make a determination and notify the Community <br />Coordinator when the costs of acceptance, transportation and disposal of <br />Household Waste accepted by Clean Harbors at the site has reached the <br />Contract Limit. The Community Coordinator must be present at all times <br />and will be responsible for terminating the collection program upon <br />notification by the Site Chemist that the contract Limit has been reached. <br />C. The failure by Community Coordinator to terminate the collection program <br />before the Contract Limit is exceeded, or authorization by the Community <br />Coordinator to continue the collection program beyond the Contract Limit, <br />shall obligate the Community to pay Clean Harbors for all additional labor <br />and material costs, in accordance with the Rates, which exceed the Contract <br />Limit. Clean Harbors shall not, however, be obligated to accept any waste <br />for transportation or disposal after the Contract Limit has been reached. <br />d. Community agrees to pay Clean Harbors within fifteen (15) days of receipt <br />of the invoice. Interest shall accrue at the rate of one and one half (1.5 %) <br />percent per month, or at the maximum rate allowed by law, after fifteen (15) <br />days. In the event that legal or other action is required to collect unpaid <br />balances or invoices, Community agrees to pay all costs of collection, <br />Page 1 OGC/Rev.082400 <br />
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