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2011 - 09-19-2011 Reg. Meeting
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2011 - 09-19-2011 Reg. Meeting
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Last modified
10/5/2011 10:37:34 AM
Creation date
10/5/2011 10:33:59 AM
Board of Commissioners
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• Draft floor plan for the basement project at the Courthouse is currently being redesigned <br />and should be approved within the next couple of week. Several meetings have taken <br />place with City staff in reference to the Backup 911 Center and everything appears to be <br />on track for this project. The plan is to bid the project in January with construction <br />starting around the first of February 2012. <br />• RFP's for the Salary /Pay Study are currently being reviewed and interviews have been <br />held for the best proposals. A recommendation will be presented to Commissioners at <br />the October 3 rd meeting. <br />• Commitment has been received from EDA (Economic Development Administration) on <br />the $800,000 grant request for the paving of the Clyde Rhyne Road extension and <br />upgrades to the Lee County Innovation Center in the Lee County Industrial Park. A <br />commitment has also been received from the Rural Center for the $500,000 grant for the <br />Industrial Road extension drive to Caterpillar. With these commitments the County can <br />begin to proceed on these projects. <br />• Work continues on the transition plan for Economic Development to come under the <br />County Manager. Work is underway to begin work on planning for a strategic plan for <br />Economic Development in the County. Suggestions for facilitators will be presented to <br />the Board in October. <br />• Little progress has been developed in discussions with the City Manager on extension of <br />water and sewer utilities into the unincorporated areas of the County. The Manager has <br />been told, by the City, that annexation is not a county issue. Work continues on the <br />issue. <br />• Buchanan Park update — At the Lowe's Grand Reopening the County was presented a <br />$25,000 check to assist with the re- building of the Park that was impacted by the April <br />16 tornado. <br />• Community Development continues to assess the property damage in the area and the <br />progress of rebuilding in those areas. They are making field inspections and contacts to <br />offer assistance in getting the properties back in order. <br />• Fracking — the issue of "Fracking" for natural gas is being discussed all around us. <br />County Governments and environmental groups are begging to take positions on this <br />issue. The Board has not taken a position as of yet, but will need to discuss how to <br />proceed in developing a position as a Board. <br />• Landfill Development in Harnett County — A recent meeting was held with the Harnett <br />County Manager to get an update on the development of a Subtitle D Landfill to be <br />located in Harnett County. If approved, the Landfill will have access to Hwy. 24/27 and <br />can be quickly accessed by Hwy. US 1. Since the Landfill is in close proximity to the <br />south /eastern border of Lee County, the County may want to consider a position. on the <br />matter. If the Landfill plan passes the Harnett County Board of Adjustment, the Harnett <br />County Board of Commissioners will take up the franchise consideration in October. <br />Commissioner Oldham asked that in the future on bid requests, he would like to see the name <br />of the bonding company, license name and number and total amount of bids when the Board is asked <br />to award contracts. He would like to see a complete breakdown of all bidders in order to be fair in <br />awarding bids. <br />With no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Reives moved to adjourn the <br />meeting. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Parks, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />M <br />
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