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2011 - 09-19-2011 Reg. Meeting
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2011 - 09-19-2011 Reg. Meeting
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Last modified
10/5/2011 10:37:34 AM
Creation date
10/5/2011 10:33:59 AM
Board of Commissioners
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the matter, the judge or adjudicator in the case (in which the <br />School District was suing the County for more funds to run the <br />district) required a financial review of the school district. The <br />financial review was comprehensive and pointed out great savings <br />in the millions of dollars, which could be realized by the school <br />district and in turn the county, over a five year period and beyond, <br />which in an of itself was good if not predictable. How realistic and <br />feasible is another question to which I do not have an answer. <br />Another question I would raise: was the financial review <br />implemented and, four years later, have any of the millions of <br />dollars in savings prescribed, been realized and if so to what <br />degree? This should be determined, irrefutably by some <br />independent authority, before any further consideration of this <br />matter. <br />It is my understanding that the school district eventually won the <br />case against the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Given the circumstances surrounding this initiative, I do not feel <br />that what may very well be enacted today is in the best interest of <br />the citizens of Lee County. Instead, it should be voted down or <br />tabled indefinitely until all parties to the study come willingly and <br />under no duress or threats of future funding, to consider together a <br />process of strategic planning, if that is mutually agreeable, that is <br />based on the ample data that presently exist, strategic planning <br />always toward the goal of educational improvements and <br />efficiencies where they can be realized without causing a <br />deleterious result to the school system; where positive change can <br />be predicated on outcomes that are positive and affordable, all of <br />this for the good of the tax payers of Lee County and the children <br />of Lee County who depend on elected leaders, like us, to make <br />wise choices about their education and the overall well being of <br />our community. <br />Respectfully Richard Hayes <br />
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