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BOOM V P.,cE 5$8 <br />upon a vote the results were as follows: <br />AYE: Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford, Wicker and Cox <br />NAY: None <br />The Chairman ruled the resolution had been unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr. requested that the County <br />Manager ask Chief Tommy Smith of the West Sanford Rural Fire Department to <br />attend one of the Board's meetings in January. <br />It was reported to the Board that Mr. Roy Smith had resigned as a <br />member of the Lee Harnett Mental 'Health Authority. Apparently under General <br />Statute 122-35.4, the authority to file this vacancy would belong to the <br />County Commissioners appointed to serve on the area board. <br />The Commissioners were reminded of the legislative conference to be <br />held in Washington, D. C. the period March 4th through March 7th. <br />Commissioner William C. Stafford, Jr. requested that he be given <br />information concerning the position of Appraiser in the Tax Supervisor's <br />Department. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker distributed copies of the proposed <br />budget for the Health Department and brought up for discussion requesting <br />that the City of Sanford contribute money for the dog control program both <br />for the current year and in the future. <br />Commissioner John R. Dossenbach, Jr. moved that the draft of the <br />minutes of the meeting held on December 19th be approved as the official <br />minutes for said meeting and recorded. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote the results were as follows: <br />AYE: Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford, Wicker and Cox <br />NAY: None <br />The Chairman ruled the resolution had been unanimously adopted. <br />There being no further business to come before the session it was <br />adjo rued sine die. <br />. LEE COUNTY <br />n <br />NORTH Pres ted or registration an ttw-aL day <br />ot_ t IU le~q_ai . <br />n_corded in Boo s_..Iwge EZ <br />Nellie W 7nomas, Register of Dueds <br />