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BOOK f2 nu S9 <br />in favor of the County removing itself from the water <br />business in hopes that a metro water and sewer system could <br />be obtained. Commissioner Stafford referred to a letter from <br />Mr. Larry Thomas, Public Works Director, City of Sanford, <br />dated December 28, 1988, where an Alderman at a Law and <br />Finance Committee Meeting stated that he would be interested <br />in sitting down with the Commissioners to discuss the merger <br />of the systems. Commissioner Dossenbach stated that he would <br />not favor the County giving the water system to the City. <br />After much discussion the vote on the motion to proceed with <br />a water study was as follows: <br />AYE: Dossenbach, Matthews, and Cox <br />NAY: Stafford and Wicker <br />The Chairman ruled that the resolution had been adopted <br />by a majority vote. <br />The discussion continued and it was decided that a <br />representative of Olsen and Associates would be asked to meet <br />with the Board and City of Sanford representatives at the <br />next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. <br />County Manager Fields presented the following budget <br />amendment from the Lee County School Board: <br />