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BOOK 12 ?~,cE 625 <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />OF <br />THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR <br />THE COUNTY OF LEE, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1989 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the <br />County of Lee convened in the Forum Room on the second floor of the <br />Library Building on the campus of Lee Senior High School, 1708 Nash <br />Street, Sanford, North Carolina, at 9:30 A. M. on Monday, February 6, <br />1989. Those present were: Commissioners Albert L. Cox; John R. <br />Dossenbach, Jr.; Bertha L. Matthew; William C. Stafford, Jr. and <br />Gordon A. Wicker. The Chairman declared a quorum was present and the <br />meeting open for the dispatch of business. Chairman Albert L. Cox <br />presided and the following business was transacted: <br />The invocation was given by Commissioner Bertha L. Matthews. <br />The draft of the minutes of the January 23, 1989 meeting was <br />considered. Chairman Cox asked that the minutes be amended on page 8 <br />paragraph 2 to insert "with staff and members" between "meeting" and <br />"of the Board of Education." Chairman Cox also noted that in the <br />third paragraph from the bottom of page 8 "Lee County Industrial Park" <br />should be changed to "Lee County Industrial Corporation". <br />Commissioner William C. Stafford, Jr. moved that the minutes be <br />adopted as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bertha L. <br />Matthews and upon a unanimous vote the Chairman declared the minutes <br />approved as amended and directed that they be recorded. <br />The Chairman recognized Ms. Mary Ellen Bowen, Coordinator of <br />the Downtown Revitalization Program, who presented the Board members <br />with a schedule of suggested rent ranges for the County Office <br />Building retail spaces and a list of six items which she recommended <br />be added to the proposed lease agreement being drafted for said retail <br />space. Several of the Commissioners expressed their feelings that the <br />proposed rent schedule was a little high. When questioned concerning <br />the per square foot rate used to determine the rental rates, Ms. Bowen <br />responded that she had not used a per square foot rate in arriving at <br />the schedule since most of the downtown businesses don't rent on that <br />basis. The Board directed Ms.Bowen to reconsider the rate schedule, <br />possibly lowering it approximately 10 to 15 percent and to figure the <br />- 1 - <br />