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AV 12 Ftrt- 71S <br />A public hearing on the committee's report is scheduled to be <br />held at 7:00 P. M. on April 24, 1989, at the Lee County Courthouse. <br />The Board next considered whether or not to file a grant <br />application on behalf of the Youth Services Commission for the operation <br />of the shelter the coming fiscal. year. The grant would be for a total <br />of $48,000, of which $40,000 would be grant funds and $8,000 would be <br />local contribution. The County Manager recommended approval of the <br />grant application which had to be filed this date. Commissioner Bertha <br />L. Matthews moved that the Chairman be authorized to execute the grant <br />application for and on behalf of the County and have same to be <br />submitted to the appropriate State Agency for consideration. <br />Commissioner William C. Stafford, Jr. seconded the motion, and upon a <br />vote the results were as follows: <br />AYE: Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford, Wicker and Cox <br />NAY:None <br />adopted. <br />The Chairman ruled the resolution had been unanimously <br />Commissioner William C. Stafford, Jr., the Board of <br />Commissioners' appointee for the Environmental Affairs Board, <br />recommended that a Community Assistance Grant awarded to Lee County by <br />the Governor's Waste Management Board for the purpose of studying the <br />hazardous waste treatment site be returned, and that the Environmental <br />Affairs Board be authorized to make a new application for the grant for <br />Educational. Purposes on Waste. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded <br />the motion and upon a vote the results were as follows: <br />AYE: Dossenbach, Matthews, Stafford, Wicker and Cox <br />NAY: None <br />adopted. <br />The Chairman ruled the resolution had been unanimously <br />Assistant County Manager Beatrice C. Fields advised the Board <br />that the County presently has Law Enforcement and Public Officials <br />Professional Liability Insurance with Green and Wooten Insurance Company <br />with Markel as the coverage provider. Mrs. Fields reported that the <br />Fred S. James Company which carries the County's Worker's Compensation <br />and General Liability Insurance was now offering this coverage and that <br />a change to this concern would result in a savings of $557.00, but more <br />importantly, would combine our coverage in one place. County Manager <br />Cowan concurred in that recommendation. Commissioner John R. <br />Dossenbach, Jr. moved that the County place its Professional Liability <br />-3- <br />